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Thread: Making mc array "explode" in all different directions when click on one mc

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Making mc array "explode" in all different directions when click on one mc

    Please see my code below. I have a rollover and rollout effect in my for loop that affects all of the mcs in my array. But when I click on one of the mcs I want all of them to "explode" in all different directions. Obviously I would accomplish this by setting it up in my tween so that they all go in random directions. But I'm not exactly sure how to do it in my for loop. The way I have my onRelease function set up right now only makes the very last mc tween. How do I make my tween affect all of my mcs?

    My code:

    import com.greensock.TweenMax;
    import com.greensock.easing.*;
    var linkageID_array:Array = new Array();
    var numRows:Number = 6;
    var numColumns:Number = 8;
    var counter:Number = 0;
    //put linkage string references in array
    for (m=1; m<49; m++) {
    // shuffle function
    shuffle = function (targetArray) {
    	for (i=0; i<targetArray.length; i++) {
    		var tmp = targetArray[i];
    		var randomNum = random(targetArray.length);
    		targetArray[i] = targetArray[randomNum];
    		targetArray[randomNum] = tmp;
    // shuffle linkage array
    // attach mc in grid
    for (k=0; k<numColumns; k++) {
    	for (i=0; i<numRows; i++) {
    		var mc:MovieClip = this.attachMovie(linkageID_array[counter], linkageID_array[counter], this.getNextHighestDepth());
    		mc._x = 199*i;
    		mc._y = 199*k;
    mc.onRollOver = function(){ 
    TweenMax.from(this.pc.ovr, .2, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:2, brightness:1.7, colorize:0xffffff}});
    mc.onRollOut = function(){ 
    TweenMax.to(this.pc.ovr, .2, {colorMatrixFilter:{amount:0}});
    mc.onRelease = function(){ 
    TweenMax.to(mc,2, {_y:-2000, easing:Elastic.easeIn, delay:.5});

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    var _MAIN = this;
    var maxAmt = ((Stage.width>Stage.height) ? Stage.width : Stage.height)+100;
    var minAmt = -100;
    for (k=0; k<numColumns; k++) {
    	for (i=0; i<numRows; i++) {
    		var mc:MovieClip = _MAIN.attachMovie(linkageID_array[counter], linkageID_array[counter], _MAIN.getNextHighestDepth());
    		mc._x = 199*i;
    		mc._y = 199*k;
    		mc.onRollOver = function() {
    			TweenMax.from(this.pc.ovr,0.2,{colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:2, brightness:1.7, colorize:0xffffff}});
    		mc.onRollOut = function() {
    		mc.onRelease = function() {
    function doPlode() {
    	var xdir, ydir;
    	for (var j in linkageID_array) {
    		xdir = (Math.round(Math.random())==0) ? minAmt : maxAmt;
    		ydir = (Math.round(Math.random())==0) ? minAmt : maxAmt;
    		TweenMax.to(_MAIN[linkageID_array[j]],2,{_y:ydir, easing:Elastic.easeIn, delay:.5});
    		TweenMax.to(_MAIN[linkageID_array[j]],2,{_x:xdir, easing:Elastic.easeIn, delay:.5});

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