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Thread: Error 1010

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    AS3 Forum

    Error 1010


    Working on a picture gallery with multiple pages. The basic idea of what I'm trying to do is I get a list of all thumbs, separate the list in groups of 20 and then add all the groups to a MC that slides left and right when the user presses a left or right button.

    This is the code I've written:

    if ((totalPics % 20) > 0)
    	pages = Math.floor(totalPics / 20) + 1;
    } else {
    	pages = Math.floor(totalPics / 20);
    for (var u:uint = 0; u < pages; i++)
    	if ((totalPics - minPic) > 20)
    		maxPic = minPic + 20;
    	} else {
    		maxPic = minPic + (totalPics - minPic);
    	for (var i:uint = minPic; i < maxPic; i++)
    		var thumbPath:String = variables.folder + "/" + fileArray[i].toString();
    		thumbWidth = (container.width - 68) * 0.20;
    		thumbHeight = (container.height - 10) * 0.25;
    		var pageX:uint = u * ((thumbWidth + 2) * 5);
    		var thumb:Thumbnail = new Thumbnail(thumbPath, thumbWidth, thumbHeight);
    		thumb.x = ((i % 5) * (thumbWidth + 2)) + 30 + pageX;
    		thumb.y = (Math.floor(i / 5) * (thumbHeight + 2)) + 2;
    		thumb.name = i.toString();
    		thumb.buttonMode = true;
    		thumb.mouseChildren = false;
    		thumb.mouseEnabled = true;
    		thumb.useHandCursor = true;
    		thumb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, thumbClick);
    	minPic += 21;
    	maxPic += 20;
    The bolded out line throws a 1010: A term is undefined and has no properties error.

    However, in the debugger, all my values are tracing:

    u = 0
    i = 58
    thumbPath = "img/IMG_9098.jpg"
    pageX = 0

    So what's going wrong here?

    I mean it seems like the value is doing what it's suppose to.

    I've traced the fileArray[i] individually and I'm getting my value back. The variables.folder also traces to what it's suppose to.

    What should I look into?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    AS3 Forum
    OK so I fixed it. I guess I didn't account for zero and the value returned was the previous one in the debugger.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    AS3 Forum
    Btw, notice how in my first for statement I have for (var u:uint = 0; u < pages; i++)?

    Don't ever do that. You'll get an error that says

    Error #1502: A script has executed for longer than the default timeout period of 15 seconds

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