_global['setTimeout'](this,clearINTERVAL("intervalRANWALK"), 1000);

How do I get this to work?

I create an instance of a class. I call the draw function. Then I call the run function. Therun function calls a function inside called startRANWALK, then that function uses

this.iii = _global['setTimeout'](this, 'intervalpoint', 0);
AS Code:
function intervalpoint():Void{
intervalRANWALK = setInterval(this,'runRANWALK', 33);
function runRANWALK():Void{
mc._x += Math.cos(randomanlge);
mc._y += Math.sin(randomanlge);
_global['setTimeout'](this,clearINTERVAL("intervalRANWALK"), 1000);

function clearINTERVAL(val:String):Void{
    if (val == "intervalRANWALK"){
//I wanted to use val and pass a string of the setinterval but it wont let me.

so how do I go about getting this to work?