
I'm working on a site that has a login button run by javascript which then takes the user to an app.

The problem currently is that users click on the login button fill out their username and password then click the login button again... Since the app (launchpad) takes a bit of a while to load into the page, the users usually get impatient and start clicking the login button like crazy. This has resulted in the reporting log showing users logging in 5000 times in a relatively short time.

I have been told that the way to remedy this is to add a "check" to the JavaScript that's executed when the button is clicked. (This new code snippet is supposed to disable the "Sign In" button once it's click so that clicking it multiple times will do nothing). This is to allow the server to get the credentials and post the app in it's time, avoiding delay by subsequent login button clicks.

The thing is that I am a JavaScript newbie and not sure how to properly write a check.

The Javascript was too lengthy to include here, but you can see/view the Source (code) at this website http://www.mediamonitors.com

The code starts at line #211, where it states:

and ends at line #651

Can anyone help?