I'm building a Flash application that spits out 6 jpg byte arrays using Adobe's JPEGEncoder. Typically, with just 1 jpg I'd use something like the following simple php:

PHP Code:
$fp fopen("images/image.jpg"'wb') or die("fail");
With 6 jpgs should I just call the php file six times? Or is there a slicker way to handle all 6 with one call?

I must admit I'm still a php novice, but I'd guess that if the php is being sent multiple jpg streams, a different method of retrieving each stream would need to be used - instead of HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA. I've tried that in the past, and found that moving away from HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA conflicts with the actionscript portion:
Actionscript Code:
request.contentType = "application/octet-stream";

Thanks forum members/moderators for all your help these past years!