I project a sphere, the camera is in the center of the sphere, rotation of the camera is actually tilt nad pano: rotationX and rotationX

I need to convert mouse screen coordinates to the rotationX and rotationY of the sphere

here is what I have:

var movement:Number = 1000000/(getPerspective(500000)*1000000);

var xAxis:Vector3D = new Vector3D(movement*view.mouseX, 0, 500000);

var yAxis:Vector3D = new Vector3D(movement*view.mouseX, movement*view.mouseY, 500000);

var mousePan = Math.asin(Vector3D.X_AXIS.dotProduct(xAxis))*180/Math.PI + camera.rotationY;
var mouseTilt = Math.asin(Vector3D.Y_AXIS.dotProduct(yAxis))*180/Math.PI - camera.rotationX;

1000000 is the r of the sphere
getPerspective(500000) = camera.zoom*camera.zoom/500000
view is the container in which the sphere is projected

the above code works perfect as long as the camera is at tilt = 0 position

would any-one had an idea?
