I'm almost finished with my first as3 project for a client, working out the final errors, when I decided to replace all my "removeChildAt"s to "loader.unloadAndStop()" since I was having issues with managing sound in external swf's. I uploaded the new swf and it was fine, then I noticed a small pathing error, I fixed that and reuploaded the swf and everything went to hell.

I have the main timeline embedded in an index.html and width and height are set to 100%. That was working just fine until the error started, when it started loading tiny on Chrome with lots of small errors when it comes to the size of text-converted-to-graphics, stopped loading in Firefox, and works just fine in Safari except nothing gets unloadAndStop'ed. I went back and undid everything I did recently, piece by piece, taking out every time I used unloadAndStop and then taking out all as3 and just leaving the timeline elements, and the only thing that makes this error stop is simply to not load any swf at all.

I have Flash 10.3 loaded in all my browsers, so that's not the issue.

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide.