
I found this tutorial on creating a sticker and made my own, but because its a timeline tween it really seems to slow down my entire site. I attempted to convert it to as3 using TweenMax, but can't seem to get the numbers right--it should play on(stick) and unstick(reverse animation).

Here is some of the TweenMax code, which as you can see is incredibly confusing and too hard coded(ie, I would like the x and y positions to be more relative):
myTween= new TweenMax(maskf,.61,{x:38,y:38,onComplete:addPdfListeners});
			myTweenBack= new TweenMax(maskb,.212,{x:-43.5,y:-6.8,onComplete:function(){TweenMax.to(maskb, .1, {x:36.3,y:11.1,onComplete:function(){TweenMax.to(maskb, .29, {x:70,y:-7})}})}});
			myTweenBackSticker= new TweenMax(stickerback,.17,{x:9.2,y:15.9,onComplete:function(){TweenMax.to(stickerback, .05, {x:34.7,y:36.56,onComplete:function(){TweenMax.to(stickerback, .098, {x:93.5,y:77.76,onComplete:function(){TweenMax.to(stickerback, .293, {x:117,y:150.76})}})}})}});
I've attached the fla.

Any help would be greatly appreciated...
