So I'm making an app for a class I'm in where there is a list of courses in a scroll bar on the side of a screen and you drag and drop those movie clips into spots on a time planner. I have a drag and drop class set up and they are all dragging fine. I just need to know how to get the movie clips for each of the course the ability to snap into each empty space.

I can do like this: = selectionPage.courseTarget;

courseTarget is my transparent movieclip I am using a target and aComm2 is the name of the course. It will snap there but I have a LOT more courses and about 24 empty spaces. What is the best way to set it up so any course can be drag and dropped into any space.

Last thing I need a little help with shouldn't be that hard. When you addChild a movieClip what code do I need to write so it is add in the exact location as my mouse?

thanks a lot guys.