So I am working on a piece that has a video in it... And when the video finishes playing I have a button that fades on... That much is working.

Now I want a little rollover effect on the button (a white gradient "gleam" goes over the button). This is the code I have working that displays the button...

function ctaShow(e:Event):void {

video_container.mc_video.addEventListener(StudioVideoEvent.COMPLETE, ctaShow);

Right now in the "cta_mc" I have a timeline tween with the button fading on. My question is can I just animate that "gleam" animation inside that same movie clip, and how do I hook that up?

I have a button on the main stage called "Expanded_Clickthrough" that covers the whole stage, and I want that to be the rollover that initiates the animation on "cta_mc"