Hello people and I welcome myself to FK..

I am not an experienced user of Flash. I have done some stuff, but I have only been learning it for 3 months on and off (mostly off).

So I want to make a simple card game. The game contains only 10 cards in the deck, and not the classic ones (they are symbols). The game works as follows:

-One card is shown to the player, facedown. (this is done for aesthetics only).
-The user clicks the card, which then divides into 3 cards, equally spaced, facedown as well.
-The user then randomly clicks a card out of three, which then flips to reveal itself.
-If the card is card X (there is only one X in the "deck"), then give him one point.
-If the card is not the X, give him one penalty point.
-Either way, the card fades out after it is flipped.
-The turn is finished when the player finds the X, or if there is only one card left (which means it is the X, which the player didn't find).
-New turn, previous steps.
-The game ends in two ways:
1. If the player has 20 penalties.
2. Or if the player has 10 points.

Now, my main problem is that my brain is currently mush from the many other assignments. Although I've programmed before and I know the steps BEFORE the actual programming, I can't think of the way to do this right now. I'm also hindered by my limited AS3 knowledge. So I will break my problem into questions, hopefully me (when my brain starts working) or somebody else will answer them.

-How do I make the deck (the programming aspect)?
-How do I create the animation of the single card breaking into three? Programming or keyframe?
-How do I randomly assign 3 cards out of the 10 in each turn?
-How do I link the images of my cards to their programming equivalent? (eg the water_card to the water_mc)
-Do I use a variable which clears before each turn to remember how many cards has the user clicked?
-Each card's movieclip has to have Flip and Fadeout animations?