Hi All,

I am creating a spinning thumbnail machine that projects the thumbnail on a larger viewing screen. When you click the button for that wheel it turns with gears ect to the next thumb. I have that worked out, but want to disable the button during mc rotation so it can not be clicked multiple times the second or two the wheel is turning to the next thumb. Any ideas? Below is the script for one wheel and gears. That all works, just want to know how to disable the button during rotation.

Thanks for any help.

if(event.target == button1) {
var turnTween:Tween = new Tween(Rotory_Mc, "rotation", Strong.easeOut, currentRot+Rotory_Mc.rotation, currentRot+Rotory_Mc.rotation+22.3, 1, true);
var turnTweenCG:Tween = new Tween(CenterGear_Mc, "rotation", Strong.easeOut, currentCGRot+CenterGear_Mc.rotation, currentCGRot+CenterGear_Mc.rotation+22.3, 1, true);
var turnTweenSG:Tween = new Tween(SecondGear_Mc, "rotation", Strong.easeOut, currentSGRot+SecondGear_Mc.rotation, currentSGRot+SecondGear_Mc.rotation-22.0, 1, true);
var turnTweenSG2:Tween = new Tween(SecondGear2_Mc, "rotation", Strong.easeOut, currentSG2Rot+SecondGear2_Mc.rotation, currentSG2Rot+SecondGear2_Mc.rotation+22.0, 1, true);
var turnTweenLG:Tween = new Tween(LargeGear_Mc, "rotation", Strong.easeOut, currentLGRot+LargeGear_Mc.rotation, currentLGRot+LargeGear_Mc.rotation+22.3, 1, true);
var turnTweenLG2:Tween = new Tween(LargeGear2_Mc, "rotation", Strong.easeOut, currentLG2Rot+LargeGear2_Mc.rotation, currentLG2Rot+LargeGear2_Mc.rotation-22.3, 1, true);