Hi all,

I'll admit it, I haven't been here since I last registered, which was about the beginning of the year. But between then and now I've gotten into quite a lot of front end and I'm pretty excited about all the more complicated things out there.

Anyway, all apologies and silly rambling aside, I have a question. As the topic title suggests, I'm looking at libraries for responsive design. I want to try out a mobile first approach and see what it's like as well.

Here are a few I've found. One of the big players seems to be 320 and Up. It's based on HTML5 Boilerplate, which I used and have incorporated a lot of things from that into my sites. 320 and Up overwhelmed me. Even though it was an extension to Boilerplate it got a little bit confusing (though admittedly, I did skim over it when I first opened it up).

Here are some of the things I've read about.

I'll probably have to play around with 320 and Up again. Twitter Bootstrap looks like another one to look at. The others seem to be standalone CSS concepts and grid systems, almost like the 960 grid system that is around for fixed grid systems.

I know it's all down to preference, and it's also down to experience, but getting some insight and comments would be awesome. Especially because I'm feeling lost as well. I'm not looking for a set-in-concrete answer, as I like to try and customise the frameworks for my needs so that I know what all the things I'm including do, and why I include them (like CSS, extra tags in the <head>, scripts, blah).

I'm no expert on this at all. If anyone has used any of them, comments would be great. What you liked, what you didn't, and any other things would be great to read about.

Thanks in advance! I hope I didn't talk too much now!