I'm using Xcelsius to make a flash (.swf). From their I am uploading to SharePoint. In SharePoint I am using html to direct the page to my .swf file. My question is: How can I make the flash auto resize to the screen resolution the user is using? I have tried a couple things this site has suggested for others but still not working for me. Probably user error, but up for any suggestions and help!

Here is the html code i use:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data /Main.swf" width="1650" height="650">
<param name="movie" value=" /Main.swf" />

I have tried linking directly to the .swf file. When I do that the and you view the flash, its very small with a lot of dead or white space on both sides.

I have tried to put width and height to 100% and it does the same thing as linking to the file.

Thank you a head of time for the help