Hi, I'm making a little game for school. It's a drag- and drop game for little kids, it's the same concept as a puzzle game. The kids have to drag a figure into the tright contour and it 'clicks' into its place. I made 'targets' on my stage and buttons inside my figures, and when the targets hit the buttons (HitTest function), my figure goes to the right place. I hope it's a bit clear. This is my code for 1 puzzle piece (I changed the instance names to obvious names and to bold to make it easier for you):

MYMOVIECLIP.onPress = function () {

MYMOVIECLIP.onRelease = function () {




Anyways, the game works and all, but i'd like something to happen when all the pieces are in its place. A movieclip with a sound popping up would be cool, but I have no idea how to do it... Any suggestions? thanks!