Hi, I have a question,

I'm using AS3 to load an swf inside a swf using this code.

var my_Loader:Loader = new Loader();
var my_url:URLRequest=new URLRequest("example.swf");

my_Loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event .COMPLETE, finishLoading);
my_Loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErr orEvent.IO_ERROR, errorHandler);


function finishLoading(loadEvent:Event) {

function errorHandler(errorEvent:Event):void {
trace("file missing");

Now everything work great but what I want is once the "example.swf" is loaded the user can click a button inside the "example.swf" and this swf close so I can navigate in the first swf.

I tried adding

import flash.display.StageScaleMode;

stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;


btn_sol.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, sol01);

function sol01(e:MouseEvent){



and also fscommand("quit");

but it didnt work...

any ideas?