i would like to know if theres a way to write this code without the need of a class?

bodydata is an array:
var bodydata = new Array();
and the line i want to use:
bodydata.push(new bodycalc("178,80"));
but to use it i need this class:

class bodycalc
    var height, weight;
    function bodycalc(str)
        var _loc1 = str.indexOf(",", 0);
        height = Number(str.substr(0, _loc1));
        weight = Number(str.substr(_loc1 + 1, str.length));
    } // End of the function
} // End of Class
i would like to do the same but without the class, is that possible?
so i can use bodydata[0].height, bodydata[1].weight and so on...