Hello everyone I'm new here and I am working on a project. I am trying to add an alarm button, and a box where a user can set the time for the alarm to go off. Can someone please help me out I am new to this stuff. This is what I have so far.......................

var Calander:Timer = new Timer(1000);
var Daysate = new Date;

var Secs:int = new int;
var Mins:int = new int;
var Hrss:int = new int;

Calander.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, UpdateHands);

function UpdateHands (e:TimerEvent):void


Days = new Date;

Secs = Days.getSeconds();
Mins = Days.getMinutes();
Hrss = Days.getHours();

if (Hrss < 12 ) {Hrss = Hrss - 12;}

Sec.rotation = (Secs * 6);
Min.rotation = (Mins * 6);
Hrs.rotation = (Hrss * 30) + (Mins*0.5);

trace (Days);