Hi there,

I have been trying this already many month ago, and just got back to it as I'm in need of reading out of an Html page! I have this Link I found maybe a couple of years ago and that code in there was the only item I could find which was doing something like that yet I never got it to work nor right now, and I tried for some time!

The original Link is: http://www.mikechambers.com/blog/200...a-data-source/

and my own code is this: Any help or any Ideas with this would be greatly appreciated! at this point in time the ERROR is with the HTMLControl which it can't relate too!


			import mx.html.Object;
			/* import flash.html.HTMLControl;*/
			/* import mx.controls.HTML; */
			private var htmlObject:HtmlControl = new HTMLControl();
			private function onLoadAndParseClick():void {
				/* htmlObject = new HTMLControl(); */
				htmlObject.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onHTMLLoadComplete);
				htmlObject.load(new URLRequest("app-resource:/index.html"));	
			private function onHTMLLoadComplete(e:Event):void {

				//get a reference to the top level html document
				var document:Object = htmlObject.window.document;
				/********** find number of links in html page ************/
				//grab all of the links in the document
				var a:Object = document.links;
				//get the length
				var len:int = a.length;
				trace(len + " links in html page.");
				/*********** Find element by ID and get its value ***********/
				var foo:Object = document.getElementById("foo");
				/*********** Use the document DOM parsing API to parse out LI items **********/
				//get all of the UL items
				var lists:Object = document.getElementsByTagName("ul");
				//make sure we found some
				if(lists.length > 0)
					//grab the first one
					var ul:Object = lists[0];
					//get the child nodes
					var childNodes:Object = ul.childNodes;
					var childLen:int = childNodes.length;
					var tempNode:Object;
					//loop through the nodes looking for LI elements
					for(var j:int = 0; j < childLen; j++)
						tempNode = childNodes[j];
						if(String(tempNode.nodeName).toLowerCase() == "li")
							//print the value of the LI element
							trace("LI Found : " + tempNode.innerHTML);
	<mx:Button label="Load and Parse" right="10" bottom="10" click="onLoadAndParseClick()"/>