Hello there,

I'm extremely new to flash and I only know the very basics. I have been going crazy for the past 3 hours trying to figure out how to do this, and no luck.

I have been asked to adapt a flash animation to 4 different sizes, and export them as gifs....no biggie, that I can do.

but now, when I export as a gif, there is an animation that is static. the animation is supposed to be spinning spotlights, when its exported they show up, but just stand there.

after looking into it, it turns out that the animation is happening inside the movie clip, and when exporting to a gif, it bypasses subanimations and only exports what's animated in the main timeline....

so my question is how could I move what's inside the movieclip to the maintime line? or if that's not possible, how could I export the gif so the lights actually animate?

thanks in advanced