hi guys need help with an e learning game im making.

The object of the game is basically your a pencil and you have to avoid randomly generated erasers that fall down while
collecting letters to make a word when that word is got a picture will show of that word.

I need help making the array of words the letter array I will have to compare them in order to show the picture and how to collect them and out put the collected letters on the screen. As they are collected aswell.

This is what i have so far. Hints tips anything would help. Still very new to AS3 and its a steep learning curve for me.

Letter object
package objects
	import core.Assets;
	import interfaces.iState;
	import starling.display.Image;
	import starling.display.Sprite;
	import states.Play;

	public class Letter extends Sprite
		public function Letter(theLetter:String)
			var letter:Image = new Image(Assets.ta.getTexture(theLetter));
Letter pool
package pools
	import starling.display.DisplayObject;
	import objects.Letter;
	import managers.LetterManager;
	public class LetterPool
		public var items:Array;
		private var counter:int;
		public function LetterPool(letters:String)
			items = new Array();
			counter = letters.length;
			for(var i:int = 0; i < letters.length; i++)
				items[i] = new Letter(letters.charAt(i));
		public function getSprite():DisplayObject
			if(counter > 0)
				return items[--counter];
				throw new Error("You exhausted the pool!");
		public function returnSprite(s:DisplayObject):void
			items[counter++] = s;
		public function destroy():void
			items = null;


       import starling.display.Sprite;
	import objects.Letter;
	public class LetterManager extends Sprite

	public function LetterManager(play:Play)
		this.play = play;
		Letter= new Array();
		pool = new LetterPool(Letter, 26);