
I'm trying to transpose the code from a tutorial on building a gallery since my server won't upload any images loaded via movieClipLoader and the tutorial was designed that way. It's fairly simple, I guess, but I have been going around it all yesterday.

Images are loaded into their respective movieclip box containers with masks so that as soon as they're attached, the mask will resize to show the full image.

I got all the clips loaded but when tryinhg to resize the main one, the eval method doesn't seem to work properly. I believe the syntax is correct, but some images resize on both properties and others will only do so on the width or the height.

Can anyone lend me a hand to solve this?

the code right after attaching the clips:

function loading_function(a:Number):Void {
	if (this["box"+a] != box1) {
		this["box"+a].onPress = function():Void  {
			temp = a;
			n = eval(prevTop+".id");
			box1.targetBox.attachMovie("image - "+a, "image - "+a, getNextHighestDepth());
			this.targetBox.attachMovie("image - "+n, "image - "+n, getNextHighestDepth());
			box1.id = a;
			a = n;
			if (temp == eval("box"+temp+".id") ){
				eval(prevTop).boxMask._width = eval(prevTop).targetBox._width;
				eval(prevTop).boxMask._height = eval(prevTop).targetBox._height;
				eval(prevTop).boxOutline._width = eval(prevTop).targetBox._width;
				eval(prevTop).boxOutline._height = eval(prevTop).targetBox._height;
	this["box"+a].targetBox.attachMovie("image - "+a, "image - "+a, this.getNextHighestDepth());