Tools: Flash Builder 4.6, Flex 4.6.0, ActionScript 3, OSMF 2.0

I created a Flex Project in Flash Builder. I then created an actionscript Code-Behind which the front end MXML is an instance of. The MXML contains many UI components with IDs. Within the code-behind there are public class properties matching the MXML IDs which are automatically wired so i can reference the components programmatically. It all works fine.

My problem is OSMF. When i go to addChild(MediaContainer), as i normally would, the video never displays. I've tried inserting a UIComponent tag within the MXML and inserting into that and even modifying my code-behind parent class to UIComponent but still nothing.

A few sites claim this is what is needed to get the video to display but perhaps it is old info and Adobe has changed things for my version. Any ideas on get MXML, Actionscript code-behind, and OSMF to play together?
