
I am relatively knew to flash, so forgive me any misspelling.

I have a MC in the library which is put in the scene by a function containting attachMovie, giving each new MC instance in the scene an individual movie clip name.

Now with the action script below, which is nested in the MC instance in the library, I am able to access the name of each newly created MC in the scene.

Now if possible, I would like to do the following:

When I press on the MC and then again press somewhere in the scene it gives me the angle from the MC relative to the point I clicked in the scene. And if I click again on the movie clip it stops updating the angle.

After all of this I would like to send the angle received from this procedure with an argument by fscommand. Now I don't know if I need to make any knew frames for this in the timeline and what to write there or if this is even possible with nested scripts like this. But yeah, any help is apreciated and I hope somebody can even understand what I wrote.

onPress = function()
var args = this._name;

fscommand("Symbols", args);

/*var xDiff = Root_Radar.MiniMap._xmouse - this.lastX;
var yDiff = Root_Radar.MiniMap._ymouse - this.lastY;*/
