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Thread: Exposure

  1. #21

    this looks promising

    I don't know if you are familiar with the cool home pages site. It's a great source of inspiration. I found this link (webprosnow.com)from their site. When I get my site completly up and running I am going to try to get on this. They have criteria and they screen you first. But if you get accepted it looks like it could be a promising source of work.


    CoolHomePages (where I found the link)


  2. #22
    Senior Member
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    Redmond, Wa



    I'll check it out!

  3. #23

    let me know what you think

    let me know if you think it sounds like a good thing. i'm new 2 this. i've been thinking about trying to pick up some freelance work but not really sure how to go about it.

    by the way, Agent Coop

    is your handle from 'Twin Peaks'? -just curious. and my log wants 2 know.

  4. #24
    Senior Member
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    Redmond, Wa

    I live out by where it was filmed..but I missed the whole circus while it was being filmed..I got into Twin Peaks when a roommate of mine bought the collection.

    Destroyed like a week of my life while I watch each and every episode.

    I'm enjoying a cup of joe right now!

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    heres a link to a discussion happening in the lounge at the moment - it has a huge list of websites for jobs...


    good luck

  6. #26

    web pros site

    thanks. i will try the link with the job postings.

    but for anyone who is interested i did sign up for the webpros site this weekend. it took like an hour and a half but the response was fairly quick. i was suprised since it was the weekend. it was worth the time it took to fill out their form and get my thumbnails together.

    i was a little intimidated by their form. (they screen you before they accept you.) and i started to wonder if i would even get accepted. luckily i was and i recieved a request for a proposal shortly thereafter. i placed my first bid for a project this weekend. i can't believe how easy it was. and i was very impressed by the fact that they try to match your specific style and work to specific clients. if you havent taken a look you should. i don't know if i'll get the job i bidded on but you never know.

    also, is there a way to accept credit cards without having a merchant account? can you just take the number and info to your bank and have them process the transaction for you??

    does anyone know?

  7. #27


    did anyone else try the webprosnow.com site and how is it working out for you? i am curious.

  8. #28
    FK Official Postman
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    Rockville, MD / UCSanDiego
    I would have tried webpro, but it says that you need a portfolio, and I don't have one yet .

  9. #29
    Senior Member
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    Redmond, Wa
    Paypal or bCentral are two resources for merchant accounts which are very cheap..

    Also check you bank..you'd be surprised what they can offer..

  10. #30
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by maddogmaddy View Post
    Wow - I think your idea is fantastic, my only concern would be that the rich get richer, the poor get no work.... if you no what I mean.

    If the purpose is for contractors to find there saviors, then perhaps hourly rates etc should be published on the site aswell? Otherwise I can see that those with a high 'wow' factor people will be the only ones to recieve the work.

    What about a search engine. The contractor could specify a price range, skills required (high design skills, asp, 3D, interaction etc), even design stlye or design application of the freelancer(crisp, futuristic, mod, corporate ID, decorative, popular(fad), cut'n'paste, gothic, simplistic, etc). And then the search could come up with a list of links to the matches.

    What do you think? I love the idea!


    I'll check it out!

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