the applescript of kelvan works very well, but the link from the swf or mac projector doesn´t works: when I click the button, nothing happens.
can anybody help me?
 Originally Posted by kelvan
this is what worked for me. I had figured it out before getting this response. i wanted to post it for others references:
heres my applescript.
tell application "Finder"
select file "file.pdf" of folder "test"
open selection
end tell
heres the button comand for the projector:
on (release) {
fscommand ("exec", "open");
hopefully this of use to anyone interested. Please email if there are any questions.
thanks again for all the help.
Hi and thanks for the info.
The applescript, does it have to be named "open.app" then or something?
Because I don't see how fscommand ("exec", "open") knows what file to open.
And is there another way needed to do this on a linux platform ?
Or will it work just as well ?
thanks in advance
Hey guys I have been trying the suggestions everyone has been posting here for hours and cant get this pdf to open.
You can see how I have everything set up in the image below

And here is all the code:
on (release) {
fscommand ("exec", "open");
tell application "Finder"
select file "ym.pdf" of folder "test"
open selection
end tell
Anyone know whats going on?
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