Originally posted by Aria
ive been thinking recently following a presentation at work about our role as designers :

How do you feel by all the limitations that surround you : ie low bandwith, old browsers, slow CPUs etc.... do these frustrate you and make you feel that they compromise your creative work OR do you see them as tools, challenges that will help you streamline your work and message.
I feel as a designer/artist in this day and age that while we do have limitations and rules that we have to live by, we are still luckier than the designer/artists that have come before us. Think about it, we have the ability to be seen and be an influence over a huge audience!

When Michaelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel, he was ordered to do so by the Pope under grueling conditions. At the time the work could only be seen by a select few, and still he poured his entire heart and soul into the work. Because that was what drove him. Not the rules, not the constraints, and NOT THE END USER!

So, I think the real point of this conversation is to find out what drives you! You will then figure out how to get there.
