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Thread: loading vars from an access db

  1. #1


    I'm trying to load dates from an Access database into a flash file. The DB is on a server other than the page that hosts the flash file, and I've learned that I can't load vars accross domains because of security reasons.

    So I'm thinking I'll have Access output a text file that I'll upload to the server, and then have Flash load.

    But is there other software that will do this automatically?

    Thanks for your help!

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    There might be a few ways to address this problem. Some more information would be helpful, though. When you say domains, are you referring to NT/Win2k security domains? Do both servers reside on the same network? Will the flash application need to be externally accessible?

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    You can easily run an ASP script that will read from a DB based on an ID number (or something) that you feed it and create a text file.

    I would do something like this in ASP:

       ' ==============
       ' createfile.asp
       ' Queries the Access DB and outputs a text file
       ' ==============
       Dim nID ' The ID number you'll use to find DB info
       ' Set nID equal to a Request item
       nID = Request("nID")
       Dim rs, conn ' Recordset and Connection objects
       Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
       Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
       conn.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("my-database.mdb")
       rs.Open "SELECT Name, Address FROM People WHERE ID = " & nID, conn, 2, 3
       ' Create Text File Stuff
       Dim objFSO, txt ' FileSystemObject, Text file
       Dim strToWrite ' String to write to file
       Dim strFilePath ' Unique file path
       Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
       strFilePath = rs("ID") & ".txt"
       Set txt = objFSO.CreateTextFile Server.MapPath(strFilePath), True
       strToWrite = "ID=" & rs("ID") & _ 
       "&Name=" & rs("Name") & _
       "&Address=" & rs("Address")
       strToWrite = Server.URLEncode(strToWrite)
       Set txt = Nothing
       Set objFSO = Nothing
       Set rs = Nothing
       Set conn = Nothing
       Response.Write "<A HREF=" & Chr(34) & strFilePath & Chr(34) & ">" & strFilePath & "</A>"
    Basically what this does is:

    1) You type in: http://localhost/createfile.asp?nID=2 into your web browser.

    2) It accesses this script and tells it you want to create a Flash-compatible text file from record number 2.

    3) The script opens the database, reads the data, and encodes it, then places it in a text file called ID.txt, where ID is the actual record ID (primary key) so you don't get duplicate text files.

    4) It outputs a link to the file so you can save it to your HD.

    Hopefully this helps you!


  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    or to read directly from (dns-less) database
    use this script:

    <%RESPONSE.Buffer=True 'Seite preloaden %>
    <%RESPONSE.Expires=0 'nicht chachen ! %>
    <%'ansprechen der Datenbank via ActiveX Object DNS-Los (ADODB =Schnittstelle)%>
    <object id="con" ProgID="ADODB.Connection" Runat="Server"></object>
    <object id="rs" ProgID="ADODB.Recordset" Runat="Server"></object>
    action = Request("action")
    answer = Request("answer")
    if action = "rd" Then
    elseif action = "sg" Then
    message = "No query string entered"
    response.write ("&message=" +URLEncode(message)+"&cconfirm=1")
    End If

    Function SG()
    DIM strCon 'variable Definieren
    strCon="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="+Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PA TH")+"webdesigner\schaer\data\db1.mdb"
    con.Open strCon 'connection öffnen
    strSql="Select * From tblQuestion"
    rs.Open strSql, con, 3, 3

    If answer="1" Then
    rs("answer1Clicks")=rs("answer1Clicks")+1 'Feldwert um 1 erhöhen response.write ("&loaded=1")
    ElseIf answer="2" Then
    response.write ("&loaded=1")
    ElseIf answer="3" Then
    response.write ("&loaded=1")
    End If

    End Function

    Function RD()

    DIM strCon 'variable Definieren
    strCon="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="+Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PA TH")+"webdesigner\schaer\data\db1.mdb"
    con.Open strCon 'connection öffnen
    strSql="Select * From tblQuestion"
    rs.Open strSql, con, 3, 3

    response.write ("&question" & "="+ rs("question"))
    response.write ("&answer1" & "="+ rs("answer1"))
    response.write ("&answer2" & "="+ rs("answer2"))
    response.write ("&answer3" & "="+ rs("answer3"))

    response.write ("&clicksTotal" & "="+ rs("clicksTotal"))
    response.write ("&answer1Clicks" & "="+ rs("answer1Clicks"))
    response.write ("&answer2Clicks" & "="+ rs("answer2Clicks"))
    response.write ("&answer3Clicks" & "="+ rs("answer3Clicks"))
    response.write ("&loaded=1")

    End Function


    for reading just add to buttonaction

    I used it for a voteSystem (www.uniresear.ch/webdesigner/schaer/html/question.html)

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