Ok, this is something I've been playing around with for a while now. I had some free time tonight and decided to work on it in 3.5. Copied and pasted some elements into the file, added my land changed my links. Everything seemed to work fine.

That is until I went to move backwards (actually slow down), and the plane(which does not have any motion at all)moves completely off the bottom of the screen.

Here is the file in it's current state..........

http://members.aol.com/lucky13thday/plane.html (130k)

You will need to click on the file itself to gain control, use the arrow keys for movement. Notice that the plane remains in the same place while the land moves, until you go backwards for a certain amount of time. Then the plane slowly begins to accelerate in reverse, never to be seen again.

Here is the movie file, if anyone wants to take a look......


The land image is not included in the movie file, but you can still get the idea of whats going on.

Any help is greatly appreciated.....
