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Thread: Flash MX be used to develop software programs similar to that of VB6

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    I am looking for an alternative to VB6(Mircrosoft is sometimes a little scary). VB6 does have quite a few posibilities, though, including the ability to develop a free standing web-browser for surfing the internet. Can Flash MX be used to develop client-side software programs similar to that of VB6.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    the short answer is yes.. however you will need a third party application to make it work. I use swf studio. Very good product. There is a new one called FlashNpack. It will allow you to link to a database.

    I don't know how complex your vb apps were, or what they did, but you can do quite a bit of stuff with flash and third party apps.

    go to http://www.northcode.com for swf studio.. also the guy that develops this stuff is very very good, and best of all very helpful.

    The other one, flashnpack, is at http://www.flashNpack.com. I don't know much about this one, except that it links to a database and can embed activeX controls.

    There are other ones.. YOu should check out the "Standalone applications" on this board for more on other alternatives.

  3. #3
    Administrator Steve R Jones's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Largo, FL.
    WOW - a NINTEEN year old thread.

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