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Thread: center the projector?

  1. #21
    Junior Member
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    May 2009
    Center.exe is a good one and it works very good for me. Thanks to you. I have one more problem is that how can I remove the border of the projector file. ncstart.exe from northcode helps me to remove the border from projector. How can I remove the border of my projector file and centre align the projector file. One more thing is that, how can I change the title of the projector file. It shows the caption of the flash player. Please help me.

  2. #22
    Lifetime Friend of Site Staff Northcode's Avatar
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    Whitehorse YT
    The old ncstart (not the one currently in my blog) allows you to center an EXE and remove the border.

    Try this...

    example: start projector.exe centered on the screen without a border

    ncstart.exe /e {startdir}\projector.exe /c /b

    The /e parameter allows you to specify the full path to an exe (exepath) file that you want to start. The exepath may use any of the following substitution strings as shortcuts to commonly used directories: {windir}, {sysdir}, {startdir} and {desktop}.

    The /a parameter allows you to specify arguements that will be passed to the executable file that you are launching. The arguments may also use the same substitution as in the exepath.

    The /w and /h parameters allow to specify the final width and height of the application window. These parameters must be used together.

    The /x and /y parameters allow to specify the final position of the application window. These parameters must be used together and will override the /c option.

    The /c parameter tells ncstart to center the application window on the desktop.

    The /t parameter tells ncstart to make the application window a topmost window.

    The /m parameter tells ncstart to maximize the application window at startup.

    The /b parameter tells ncstart to make the application window borderless

    {windir} - the windows folder, e.g. "c:\winnt" or "c:\windows"
    {sysdir} - the windows system folder, e.g. "c:\winnt\system32" or "c:\windows\system"
    {startdir} - the directory where ncstart is located
    {desktop} - the current users desktop folder, e.g. "c:\documents and settings\tim\desktop"

  3. #23
    Junior Member
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    Thank you for the fast reply. I tried ncstart.exe to remove the border and center the projector. But it failed to center the projector file but it removed the border. Now once again downloaded from the link provided and it too failed to center my projector file. I want to remove the border and center my projector file. Please help me. Thank you in advance.

  4. #24
    Junior Member
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    ncstart is wonderful, I am currently using it to remove several borders from a set of executables on a project CD. /c for centering seems not to be functional (at least not for me) no matter which parameters I pair it with, if there was a way to remedy this or a way to be able to move a borderless window it would amazing. Any help is appreciated in advanced.

  5. #25
    Lifetime Friend of Site Staff Northcode's Avatar
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    Whitehorse YT
    I'll have a look at this tody and see if there's anything wrong.

  6. #26
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2005

    Autorun and Centre.exe

    I can't seem to get the older version of ncstart to work with my project so I'm using centre.exe which is doing a brilliant job but I need to run it using autorun so that the CD runs on boot up. This won't seem to work. Please could you help

  7. #27
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2007
    Dear Northcode -

    I am using your center.exe program and experiencing the same problem as some other users. Sometimes my .exe will load at a smaller resolution. Sometimes I double click on the center.exe and it does not load at all.

    I wonder if you have made an updated version, or had a look at others who have had this problem and found out why your program behaves in this way sometimes.

    It is a great program, thank you so much for it.

  8. #28
    Lifetime Friend of Site Staff Northcode's Avatar
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    Whitehorse YT
    If the application takes too long to start then center.exe "misses" the window. It doesn't wait forver (to avoid appearing hung) but if the application window doesn't appear until after the timeout then center never sees the window. The center application is REALLY old now.

    I saw a post by a user with the same name as yours in the MDM support forums. If you're using Zinc then you don't need to use my center utility, you can do it with commands that Zinc supplies instead.

    You also asked about Zinc's support of fscommands in that post... they don't support them. So you can't use fscommand "exec" or any of the other ones, AFAIK, but they should have Zinc commands that do something close to the same thing for most of the standard fscommands.

    If you're having problems with Zinc you might want to check out SWF Studio as another alternative. you won't need to use fscommands with SWF Studio but we support them - it just means less work for you when you have to change your existing projector projects.

    SWF Studio http://www.northcode.com
    mProjector http://www.screentime.com
    SWFKit http://www.swfkit.com
    Jugglor http://www.jugglor.com
    Zinc http://www.multidmedia.com
    When your swf2exe tool just HAS to work
    there's only one choice... SWF Studio

  9. #29
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northcode View Post
    First, be sure you're using the right center.exe file! The old one works using a command line argument, the new one uses a CMD file.

    The cmd file has to have the same name as the EXE file you EXE from Flash. If you use fscommand("EXEC", "CENTER.EXE") then you should have CENTER.CMD in the same directory (the fscommand directory).

    The contents of the CMD file should be a fully qualified path to the file you want to launch, like "C:\WinNT\Notepad.exe" or a relative path to the file you want to launch (relative to where the CMD file is).

    Try it from the command line first to make sure you've got it working properly before you try and call it from Flash
    Hi Northcode

    I have made those changes and my Flash Project (.exe) file opens in the center of the screen, however the issue i am now having is regardless of what my project screen size is i have a whit margin on the left and right.

    Could you let me know how to fix this please.


  10. #30
    Lifetime Friend of Site Staff Northcode's Avatar
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    Whitehorse YT
    Change the scale mode to "exact fit". However this may change the aspect ratio of your movie.
    When your swf2exe tool just HAS to work
    there's only one choice... SWF Studio

  11. #31
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    I'm also download this link.It will not happen problem

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