Hello All.
I'm happy to announce the release of FlashProjector V2, the best SwfToExe Tool, here is a small list of the features available:
FlashProjectorv2 Features
Flash® MX and Flash® Player 8 Compatible
Support Windows 95*/98*/ME*/2000/XP.
Create Exe and Screen Savers.
Convert Flash MX Swf Files to Exe Applications or screen savers. That are ready to run on any Windows System without installation or extra files.
No Flash Plug-in or extra files needed.
Fast, Small and Stable Engine, the smallest footprint on the market, a little over 700KB, and yes it Does NOT Require the Flash Player to be installed, and works on restricted windows system as well.
Protect, Secure and encrypt your files.
Never exposes your work to the user, The Flash Movie runs directly from memory, nothing is ever extracted, making hard for anyone to temper or peak at your code.
100% Synchronized ActionScript with Scope Support.
No fscommands, no Callbacks and no Crazy workarounds, FlashProjectorv2 provides code that is easy to develop, maintain and debug.
Pixel perfect Transparency** and Windowless projectors.
Create projectors that are 100% translucent, meaning your projector can take any shape anytime anywhere without any clipping, masking or any extra efforts. Design your Movie in flash import and select transparent, and that's it.
Create Skinned applications.
With FlashProjectorv2 you will be able to create Skinned application that have a distinctive look on all supported Windows Operating system, With over 70 skins to choose from we are sure you will find one that meets your needs.
ActiveX Control Support.
ActiveX Control Support like no other tool in the market, Virtually any ActiveX Control is supported and used like a standard Flash Object, no crazy script and no complicated processes, use ActiveX Controls like you would use any Flash Object, directly from ActionScript, thanks to our Synchronized Feature.
Mouse and Keyboard control.
Control the mouse like a standard Flash Object.
1. Enable, Disable the mouse.
2. Get the Position of the mouse anywhere on the screen.
3. Set the Position of the mouse to any coordinates on the screen.
4. Hide, Show the Mouse.
5. Simulate Mouse clicks, Like press and release.
6. Simulate the Mouse Wheel Scroll.
7. React to the Mouse Events, in real time using standard Flash Actionscript. Available Events:
onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave, onMouseMove, onRightMouseDown, onRightMouseUp, onWheelUp, onWheelDown.
8. Disable Enable Keyboard input.
Bind other Exe Application inside your Flash Projector window.
Found nowhere but in FlashProjectorv2, Now you can Bind and control Other Windows Exe Applications, put them inside your Flash Projector window and custom their window style, by removing the Main menu, removing their caption bar, removing their border and many more...
Expiration and Shareware Like Projectors.
Create Shareware Like Projectors where they would expire and require passwords to unlock them, generate random and unique serial numbers for your users with ease.
Pack Extra files inside the Projector with in memory load option.
Add Extra files to your final Exe projector and load some of them directly from memory without ever extracting them. For example you can load FLV, SWF, XML and JPG directly from the internal package without ever exposing them to the user. Keeping your work protected at all times.
Extended loadMovie Flash Class.
Load .avi, .mpeg, .bmp into standard Flash Movie clips without any extra scripts. our script will automatically detect and load your content for you. just use the loadMovie action script with the file of your choice and it will be loaded for you whether it's a JPG or an AVI FlashProjectorv2 will load it.
Screen Resolution Control.
Automatically change the users screen resolution, to any desired resolution and refresh rate.
System Events Support.
React to system messages and events with standard Flash Functions. Events like:
1. onUSBChange, onCDChange, onClose, onWindowsShutDown and many more....
Load and call third party DLL's.
Load and call third party DLL's functions and procedures, using simple ActionScript.
Load DLL's Directly from memory.
Include third party DLL's and call them directly from the internal package without ever extracting them to the users drive. All run from memory, keeping your files protected.
System Tray Support.
Create System Tray icons, add, remove menus and react to their clicks with ease, animate the system tray icon anytime trough simple and easy to use Actionscript commands.
System Registry Support.
Easily access the users System Registry, add, remove, keys and values. with onKeyChange Event support, that can call your function when the the key changes while your Projector is running.
Files and Folders Support.
Create, Delete, Rename Copy Move files and folders. get the files and folders size, check if a file or folder exists, list all files inside a folder, browse for files and folders and many more...
System Messages and Clipboard support.
Show Standard Windows Messages and access the users clipboard with ease.
Customize the Projector's Window Style.
Change the Projector's window, Maximize, Minimize, Restore, Move, Set on Top, Set on Bottom, Show, Hide and many more...
Disable and Enable the Sound in Flash Movie.
With one command you can turn On and OFF the sound in your Flash Movie.
Change the Icon of the Projector.
Now you can display your own icon in the final Projector. giving you that professionalism you deserve.
Change the Version info of the Projector.
Only FlashProjectorv2 allows you to customize the Version info with your own Company Name, Comments, E-mail and Web Site link.
Disable the Mouse Right Click.
Ever wanted to get rid of the Macromedia Flash Menu, when you right click with your mouse, well now you can, with the option to show your own Flash Menu instead.
Close your Projector with Esc Key.
Allow your users to close the Projector with the press of ESC Key or any hot key for that matter.
Open Plug-in System.
You want a feature we don't have, don't wait for us to add it, create your own ActiveX Control Plug-in with your favorite Programming language from VB, Delphi, C++ any language capable of making ActiveX Control can be used. WOW...
Unicode Support.
Create application that can be used in a Unicode environment, read and write to files and folders with foreign characters.
Command line Parameters Support.
Process and parse any command lines directly from your Projector.
Flexible Layout in our Editor.
Do you think our editor is too small, or don't like how we arrange things, well now with "Your Way Layout" you can redesign it to fit your needs.
LoadMovie Support.
Your FlashProjectorv2 files will react to loadMovie command like the standard Flash Projector exe do, no need to specify path or use any crazy work-around, works with .FLV, JPG, and Swf.
State of the art online Help System.
We have develop the easiest help system around, every command comes with an example that is ready for copy and paste. see live help
Superb Support.
Friendly and knowledgeable support, you got questions we have answers. Oh did I say FAST.
Unbeatable price Tag.
We have the most affordable third party projector tool in its class. only $159***
Last edited by Flash 'N Pack; 07-22-2005 at 11:21 PM.
Lifetime Friend of Site Staff
Northcode announces SWF Studio V3

SWF Studio V3 is a professional quality replacement for the stand-alone projector that comes with Macromedia Flash, but SWF Studio allows you to do a lot more than just wrap your SWF in an executable. SWF Studio allows you to leverage your knowledge of Macromedia Flash or your favorite Flash authoring tool to create powerful rich media desktop applications and screensavers.
The driving philosophy behind every aspect of this release of SWF Studio has been to provide you with a tool that will let you work smarter, instead of harder. SWF Studio V3 delivers an unprecedented amount of power into the hands of Flash developers but makes it easy to use with an extensive help system that's integrated into the Flash authoring environment. The attention to even the smallest details, like using the same shortcut key as Flash to publish, make V3 a real joy to use.
We've included hundreds of fixes and improvements requested by our users and added an impressive list of ground-breaking new features that you won't find anywhere else. The full list of new changes would take hours to read, so we've compiled a summary of what's new in SWF Studio V3. Sorry, it's still a huge list.
The Flash OCX issues that plagued old versions of SWF Studio, and still affect some of our competitors, have been resolved in V3. Every V3 application is a 100% stand-alone, zero-install executable. That means you don't have to install anything to use them, they just work. The applications you create with SWF Studio V3 will run on all of the desktop Windows operating systems including Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
Our license from Macromedia to use their Flash player technology ensures that the applications you create with SWF Studio V3 are 100% legitimate. Finally, an swf2exe tool with no legal issues and no deployment issues to worry about. Power and peace of mind in one package.
We don't like software with trial periods that expire just as you're becoming comfortable with them so SWF Studio V3 has an unlimited trial period. All of the applications and screensavers you create with the trial version of SWF Studio will only work for one day after they are first run. Except for that small difference the trial version of SWF Studio is fully functional.
Download SWF Studio V3 and then visit our online store to buy V3 today and save hundreds of dollars on the most advanced swf2exe development tool available. Our introductory offers won't be repeated or extended and it all ends August 15th, 2005.
About Northcode Inc.
Northcode Inc. is a provider of software and custom development solutions for the multimedia marketplace. Our flagship product, SWF Studio, allows users of Macromedia FlashTM to take Flash "beyond the browser" and enter new markets developing desktop applications, screensavers, CD-ROM front-ends and more. We're on a mission to enable Flash users to enter these new application spaces and compete directly with mainstream development languages like Visual Basic, Delphi and C++.
General Inquiries
Email: info@northcode.com
Tel: 613.789.0101
Fax: 613.789.7680
Last edited by Northcode; 08-11-2005 at 01:48 AM.
Screenweaver 3 OS (open source)
I just posted in the News section of the board that Screenweaver, a SWF2EXE app has just become Open Source.
Screenweaver provides developers all of the tools required to build full-fledged, full-featured desktop applications and Screensavers using Flash and their favorite programming language. Extend your skillset to exciting new uses of Flash technology.
This tool is similar to ZincV2, SWFStudio, etc. but now OPENSOURCE!
Official web:
Direct download of binaries: Here
Lifetime Friend of Site Staff
Northcode releases a FREE productivity tool for Macromedia Flash users
When you double click on an FLA file it opens the last version of Flash that you used instead of the version of Flash that was used to create the FLA. If you have multiple versions of Flash installed, every click to open an FLA file is like rolling the dice. If you lose you get the "Unexpected file format" message, which really means "open me in the right version of Flash please".

If the last version of Flash you had open was MX 2004 and you double click on a version 6 (Flash MX) FLA file it will open, but it can take a looong time and then you still have to close Flash MX 2004 and reopen the FLA in Flash MX so you can edit it without making a mess of the FLA.
Admittedly the amount of time lost isn't huge, but it sure is annoying and life would be so much easier if the FLA was just opened in the right version of Flash. Well, I finally got fed up and created a utility that will do this... the Flash Version Checker and Launcher or FLAver for short.
When you install FLAver it hijacks the FLA format from Flash and associates all FLA files with FLAver.exe so when you double click on an FLA file it is opened by FLAver first. FLAver doesn't actually open the FLA file for editing, it just looks that the version of the FLA file and at the versions of Flash you have installed and chooses the closest version match for the FLA file. If you try to open an FLA file and you don't have a version of Flash that can open those FLA files FLAVer will present you with an error message like the one below, otherwise the FLA just opens in Flash and you can go on about your business.

Download your FREE copy of FLAver today.
About Northcode
Northcode Inc. is a provider of software and custom development solutions for the multimedia marketplace. Our flagship product, SWF Studio, allows users of Macromedia Flash to take Flash "beyond the browser" and enter new markets developing desktop applications, screensavers, CD-ROM front-ends and more. We're on a mission to enable Flash users to enter these new application spaces and compete directly with mainstream development languages like Visual Basic, Delphi and C++.
General Inquiries
Email: info@northcode.com
Tel: 613.789.0101
Fax: 613.789.7680
Hello all,
The new build has just been released to the public, this new version has many bug fixes and more advanced features. here is a short list of what's fix and what's new: soon the online help will be updated which will include all of the new features with sample codes on their usage.
to get the new build just click on Help>>Check for updates in your current version of FP.
What's fixed:
1. ActiveX Control engine updated to support more AX like MFC and VB ActiveX Controls.
2. Fixed an issue that was making loading .flv a little slower than it should now it loads right a way tested with a 300MB file and loaded in less than a second.
3. fixed some issues with fpMenu.
4. Fixed all other reported bugs.
What's new:
1. Added support for Flash 8, to compile your application with Flash 8 just publish your .swf using flash 8 player settings under Flash 8 and FP will know what to do.
2. Added support for UTF-8 reading and writing to fpFile.
3. Added fpDll Object to call and work with third party DLL's.
4. Added a Splash Window Option to the IDE that allows you to include a splash screen for your application.
5. Added fpInterProcess Object that allows to communicate with other FP Made applications, using Memory.
6. Added fpWallPaper that allows to you change, get wallpaper and work with Active Desktop.
7. Added fpLayout That allows you to extract files from the internal layout at runtime.
8. Added many features to fpSystem and fpApplication objects to see them just use these script in AS and compile the swf using FP:
//***** Code Starts here *****
fpDebug(true);//show the trace window
for(i in fpSystem){
fptrace(i + "\t" + fpSystem[i]);
repeat the above and replace fpSystem with fpApplication or any of our other Object to see their functions and properties.
9. Added fpDebug and fpTrace to allow to trace outputs and debug your application at runtime, the trace window is very similar to Flash output window.
10. Added fpWindows Object that allows you to interact and control other Programs and windows, you can send strings to other windows, move them resize them close them, minimized them send key strokes to them click their menus and many more all trough Actionscript.
11. Added fpMenu Object that allows to create your Own Windows PopUp menus with many features like have a side bar on your menus add icons and bmp to your menu items, add check and ratio boxes to your menu items, create multiple menus at runtime. and many more PS all menus are skinned as well so they show skinned when you use them with FP Skinned applications.
12. Updated the fpSystemTray Object to allow skinned menus and use Side bar and add images to your System Tray menu items.
and many many new features. which will be revealed once the online help is updated.
Thank you to everyone that help beta test these build and for all of your suggestions.
Thank you, and we hope you'll enjoy this new powerful build.
here are some demos and screen shots:
. download the complete System tray demo here: www.flashprojector.com/files/systray.zip
. download dll calling demo from here: www.flashprojector.com/files/fpdll.zip
. downlaod a VB ActiveX Control usage demo here: www.flashprojector.com/files/Tipoftheday.zip
. download an embedded browser demo here: www.flashprojector.com/files/browser.zip
. download a demo that works with Memory Stick USB Drives www.flashprojector.com/files/usb.zip
. download a demo that shows various dialog options, working with drives, and Multiple Monitors: www.flashprojector.com/files/fpSystem.zip
. download a demo that shows you how to communicate with Multiple FP Projectors directly trough Memory: Two files one shows how to make your Application Sticky and the other shows how to communicate with three projectors. www.flashprojector.com/files/fpInterProcess.zip
well that's it for now.
The online documentation will be updated within the next few days with all the new features. in the mean time if you have questions on usage please visit out forum here: www.flashprojector.com/forum
FlashProjector Team.
MDM Zinc 2.5
MDM are proud to announce the availability of Zinc 2.5 - The most powerful version of Zinc to date! Featuring all new {mdm}Script™ 2.0, Zinc 2.5 is the World's First and Only SWF2EXE to provide a 100% Synchronous Scripting API for both Windows and Mac OSX!
{mdm}Script™ 2.0
Following the success of {mdm}Script™, Zinc™ v2.5 now features an all new {mdm}Script™ 2.0 Scripting Engine! {mdm}Script™ 2.0 provides a true Object Orientated Approach to Programming and is integrated directly with ActionScript 1.0 and 2.0 - Using {mdm}Script™ 2.0 is as simple and straightforward as using ActionScript!
Synchronous & Asynchronous Scripting
{mdm}Script™ 2.0 is 100% Synchronous! This means that code is executed in the correct order eliminating the need to use Call Backs, Loops, Intervals or any other "workarounds". Best of all, Zinc v2.5 is the First and Only SWF2EXE Application which provides the ability to switch between Synchronous and Asynchronous Scripting during runtime on both Windows and Mac OSX. You choose the best method for your Project - True Synchronous and/or Asynchronous behavior on both Windows and Mac OSX means you can work smarter, not harder.
Native Windows & Mac OSX Versions
Zinc v2.5 is now available, natively, for both Windows and Mac OSX! The all new Mac OSX IDE Version features the same intuitive and familiar User Interface as the long established Windows version, along with some great enhancements designed specifically for OSX.
Macromedia Flash® 8 Compatible
Zinc™ v2.5 is 100% Flash® 8 Compatible! This means you can start working with the latest release of Flash without the worry of compatibility. We've also updated the embedded OCX Control to use the latest Flash Player 8.
Over 800 Commands
The all new Zinc™ v2.5 Scripting API, {mdm}Script™ 2.0, features over 800 methods, properties and events for use in ActionScript! Virtually anything can be achieved "out of the box" making {mdm}Script™ 2.0 the most powerful 3rd Party Scripting API for Macromedia Flash. Combined with the groundbreaking features of the compiling engine, this makes Zinc™ v2.5 the Ultimate SWF2EXE Application!
Download a Copy Today! Available for Windows and Mac OSX
Last edited by MDM Support; 11-08-2005 at 10:19 AM.
Flash Radio: SnazzyFM
What is SnazzyFM™
A final year project by Iwani Khalid. An online radio that runs on FLASH PLAYER 6 and above. Users need not use an external media player to stream radio, open up 2-3 different browser windows to request songs, make dedication and interact with other listeners. All of that can be done in the ONE SINGLE FLASH APPLICATION that they only have to download ONCE and run it anytime from their PC given that they're connected to the Internet
SnazzyFM™ is still undergoing its final development stages and requires a BETA TEST before completing its development process. Some features may or may not work fully but this is to briefly give users an idea of what Snazzy FM™ is. This BETA TEST requires users to try the application out and then, users' evaluation are compiled in a Text/Audio/Video guestbook OR a traditional survey based on its graphical aspects, user experience, technical and a few other criteria that would be a great reference for me to complete SnazzyFM™
-No direct linking to exe's
-Do not include email addresses in your post as they can and will be harvested by spiders
-State the features of your product and link to a web site where interested parties can find out more.
Thanks guys, and hope to see positive response from all of ya!
Last edited by bitterpill; 04-10-2006 at 11:49 AM.
Lifetime Friend of Site Staff
SWF Studio Version 3.4 with Vista Support and Student Pricing

SWF Studio now supports all versions of Windows Vista and we've improved stability on all other operating systems.
SWF Studio allows you to provide an application manifest so you can take advantage Vista's User Account Control (UAC) system.
You can now add Vista Icons to your applications. These are the fancy new icons that support RGB/A at 16x16, 32x32, 48x32 and 256x256 pixels.
You can now write SWF Studio plugins using C# and VB.NET and access the functionality of the .NET platform from your Flash applications. The .NET plugin SDK is installed automatically with SWF Studio.
What we removed from SWF Studio may be even more important than what we added. This release resolves some major issues and makes SWF Studio more stable than ever before.
- no more UAC prompts for elevation on Windows Vista
- no admin privileges required to run on Vista
- no more DEP exceptions on XP SP2
- no more crashes when playing Flash video in embedded browsers
- no more MSVC runtime errors
- no more crashes when using getURL or native Flash print functions
You can launch your V3 applications from UNC paths now, no need to map a drive or run from a local drive.
SWF Studio plugins now have full unicode support
For a complete list of what's new and changed in this release, be sure to check out the Release Notes for the current build.
Download the FREE Trial version.
Last edited by Northcode; 06-18-2007 at 03:47 PM.

Janus is the ultimate professional tool for the Flash/Flex developer!
Janus is the tool of your choice
Why fiddling around with different tools when you can simply have one? If you are a Flash/Flex developer, you can take your ideas to the next dimension, taking the expressiveness of the Flash platform to a Windows desktop application, inside a Windows Mobile PDA or inside a Symbian cellphone. Janus is not simply a "wrapper", an "exe-generator", a "swf2exe" that takes your swf and create an executable file, Janus allows you to use extra functions not available to Flash/Flex to crash the limit and increase the sheer power at your disposal. Janus adds an industry leading 2000+ methods/properties to your ActionScript code following pure ActionScript syntax. Simply walk throught the online manual and start dreaming!
Read more
Janus Windows Desktop
Janus Pocket PC
Janus Symbian
IF you decide to buy the software please use my name "Peter Franco" as the referer
Shu the first AIR wrapper is launched
Shu enables you to increase the power and reach of Adobe AIR. With Shu your AIR applications can quickly be converted into standalone applications to run on PC or Mac machines without the AIR runtime installed! Shu applications can also be run from a CD or network share and do not require installation.
In addition Shu provides you the developer with a toolkit of commands to extend the system capabilities of your AIR application, features include, controlling external applications, opening external files, database connectivity and control, system path retrieval and screen capture functionality. With Shu you can now truly harness the power of your AIR applications from the desktop and beyond!
for more info or to download a free trial and get started go to;
VueTRAC released the first public beta of Sylph, an Adobe AIR application packager
Top features of Sylph:
- Secure, files in an air application, including .swf and other assets, are not extracted to local disk at runtime.
- Efficient, only requested file data are loaded into memory.
- Portable, the compiled application works on Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X.
Lifetime Friend of Site Staff
Northcode Releases SWF Studio 3.7
What is SWF Studio?
SWF Studio is a tool for turning SWF files into full featured applications and screensavers for the Windows desktop. You can use Adobe Flash, Flex Builder or third party authoring tools like KoolMoves and SWiSH Max to create your SWF files.
Why should you choose SWF Studio?
The best reason we can give you is the one our users keep giving us... "it just works". When you're under pressure, you need a tool that can handle the job and a team that will be there to help. SWF Studio is the tool and Northcode is the team. We've been doing this for over 8 years. We'll be there when you need us.
What's new in SWF Studio version 3.7?
SWF Studio 3.7 uses Flash Player 10 and supports Flash CS4 and Flex Builder 3.0.
SWF Studio also ships with AS3 class files for our ActionScript API. This means that you can use SWF Studio with tools like KoolMoves 7 that support AS3 but don't work with SWC files.
Splash screens in SWF Studio can now be SWF files and transparency is automatically enabled so your splash screens can be any shape you like. We've also added new Splash.* commands to let you communicate with your splash screens and show or hiide them whenever you like!
Take control of the amount of memory your application is using. Find out how much memory your application is using at any time by calling the new SysInfo.getProcessMemoryInfo function and then call SysTools.releaseMemory to free up virtual memory instantly.
There's a new plugin in this release that provide fast, flexible, byte-level access to binary files of any size. Use the BinaryFile plugin to seek to any location in the file, read or write as many bytes as you like.
See the release notes For a complete list of what's new, changed and fixed in this version.
How do I get my hands on this?
If you already own a copy V3 (any release) then this is a FREE upgrade for you. If you're a registered user, just go to the Registration Lookup Page, retrieve your registration details and use the included link to download the latest build.
Download your FREE trial version of SWF Studio today. The trial period is UNLIMITED so you can really get to know it before you buy it. No pressure.
Lifetime Friend of Site Staff
Buy SWF Studio for only $99, No Foolin!
It may be April Fool's Day, but this offer is no joke!
For today only you can buy a full commercial version of SWF Studio Professional for just $99 US!
This is your chance to own the best SWF2EXE tool available at an unbelievable price, but you'll have to act fast!
Just enter nofoolin in the coupon code field in our online store and you'll receive a whopping $200 discount!
When your swf2exe tool just HAS to work
there's only one choice... SWF Studio
Lifetime Friend of Site Staff
Northcode Releases SWF Studio V3.8
If you already own a copy V3 (any release) then this is a FREE upgrade for you. If you're a registered user, just go to the Registration Lookup Page, retrieve your registration details and use the included link to download the latest build.
Download your FREE trial version of SWF Studio today.
Added in this release
Added support for generating Windows 7 compatible applications.
Updated the Flash player bundled with SWF Studio to version (flash10e.ocx) from version
Updated Sysinfo.getOSVersionInfo to support Windows 7.
Added Splash.setPosition and Splash.setVisible to provide additional control of splash screens.
Shell.setNotify now supports two new events: onShellExecuteWaitForWindow and onShellExecuteWaitForExit which allow you to receive both events from a single call to Shell.execute instead of using the mutually exclusive waitForWindow and waitForExit flags on the call to Shell.execute.
Browser.setNotify now supports the onWindowClosing event to notify you when the current page attempts to close the browser window using JavaScript. The Browser class does not permit the window to be closed, but now you are notified when the attempt is made in case you want to take some action
Added onMouseButton to Browser.setNotify to allow detection of mouse clicks over an embedded browser window. One limitation of this event is that it can only catch mouse down/press events, not the up/release events.
Added Browser.setUserAgent to allow the application to control the UserAgent sent to the server with each URL request.
Added Browser.getHWND to return the window handle of the embedded browser.
Added Scratch.writeFile and Scratch.readFile to support adding large files (anything over 10MB) to the Scratch area, and later extracting them to disk.
Added support for sending and receiving binary data to the UDP plugin (version 23) and the TCP plugin (version 22).
Added support for binding to a specific local IP address to the UDP plugin (version 24).
Added Mouse.setCapture, Mouse.releaseCapture and Mouse.getCapture to allow Flash to receive mouse events when the mouse is outside the bounds of the application window.
Added SysTools.createGUID to create universally unique ids.
Added new Sentry commands to build and manage an application white list to make the Sentry commands more useful. Sentry.buildWhiteList, Sentry.addToWhiteList, Sentry.removeFromWhiteList, and Sentry.clearWhiteList. Added Sentry.useWatchList and Sentry.useWhiteList to select the mode in which the Sentry works. Added Sentry.getWhiteList and Sentry.getWatchList to make list management easier.
Added ssGlobals.ssOriginalWorkingDir so you can get the working directory that was inherited from the process that started your application, or the working directory that was assigned to your application (if it was started by a call to the CreateProcess API).
Added onSystemCommand to App.setNotify to allow you to block or implement custom actions for the move, minimize, maximize and restore system commands.
Added a setTimeout method to the HTTP plugin (version 42) to provide control over how long the HTTP plugin waits before generating a timeout error on certain events.
Added SysTools.getWindowCaption to allow you to find your own window caption. You can also get the caption for any window you have a handle (HWND) for.
Added SysInfo.getAdaptersInfo to return information about the installed network adapters inclduing IP addresses linked to each adapter.
Added a timeout parameter to App.sendData to prevent calls from blocking if the destination application is hung or not responding.
Tray.setNotify now supports an onTrayBalloonClosed event to let you determine how a tray balloon was closed. Possible reasons are a click on the balloon, clicking the close button, balloon tip timeout or forced close resulting from a call to Tray.hideBalloon.
Added a new parameter to App.setKioskMode called skipRegMods which tell SWF Studio not to attempt to modify the registry as part of enabling kiosk mode as this causes a UAC prompt on Vista and Windows 7 if the user doesn't have administrator privileges.
Added the forceShow parameter to App.showMsgBox to allow a message box to be displayed even when the main application window is not visible.
Updated HTTP.start with a new optional parameter that allows you to bypass IE proxy settings and make direct connections.
Added ssGlobals.ssFlashHWND to return the window handle of the Flash OCX for the main application.
Changed in this release
Modified how FSCommand EXEC works so legacy Flash applications don't have to move their files out of the fscommand folder. The fscommand folder is not necessary when you make yoru EXE with SWF Studio but if you can't change your code, SWF Studio will do the right thing so your EXEC calls will just work.
Removed xstub.exe and xpatch.exe (for ActiveMark support) from the installation. Because of the way these EXE files work, some antivirus software was flagging them as potentially dangerous even though they are not. If you need support for ActiveMark, please contact us and we'll provide you with the necessary files.
ssCore.Shell.execute now captures the standard error (stderr) stream along with the standard output (stdout) stream when using the saveStdOut flag for all applications so it's no longer necessary to use command line redirection to capture the stderr stream.
SWF Studio now completely removes user registration details when the software is uninstalled.
The size of some EXE files has changed since the last release. Standalone EXE files were 3.6MB in 3.7 and are 4.2MB in 3.8. Compact EXE files were 2.7MB in 3.7 and are 3.2MB in 3.8. Tiny EXE files were 1.2MB in 3.7 and are 1.2MB in 3.8. Unbundled EXE files were 1.8MB in 3.7 and are 4.2MB in 3.8.
Last edited by Northcode; 06-16-2010 at 02:35 PM.
When your swf2exe tool just HAS to work
there's only one choice... SWF Studio
Zinc™ 3.0 is the ONLY True Cross-Platform Development tool for building Windows, Mac OSX and Linux desktop applications with Flash or Flex. Now Updated to version 3.0.22.
Zinc has long been established as a leader in the "Flash to Desktop" movement and has provided Flash Designers and Developers the ability to create Desktop Applications based on the Flash® SWF Format. Zinc 3.0 now extends it's capabilities to Windows, Mac OSX and Linux Platforms; a first in the Flash Application Development Industry.
Updated for Flash Player 10.1
Zinc 3.0 has recently been updated to work with the all new Adobe Flash Player 10.1. Flash Player 10.1 adds new support for custom filters and effects, native 3D transformation and animation, advanced audio processing, and GPU hardware acceleration

All New Zinc 3.0 Builder for Windows & Mac OSX
The New Zinc 3.0 GUI has been redesigned and redeveloped to provide an intuitive development environment with minimal differences between the two Platforms.

Zinc 3.0 X-Platform, X-Compile™
Using an intelligent new Plug-In Management System, Zinc™ 3.0 Builder can compile Windows, Mac OSX and Linux Projectors from both Windows and Mac OSX! No other SWF2EXE can offer this functionality.

Build Cross-Platform Applications from Flash and Flex
Zinc 3.0 Builder is more than just a SWF2EXE - It's a complete Development Environment for Desktop Applications based on the Flash Platform. Zinc 3.0 works seamlessly with Flash® 8, 9, 10 and Flex® 2,3,4 compiling your SWF Files into Powerful Desktop Applications for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux.

Customize Every Aspect of your Projector
Zinc 3.0 Builder allows you to change window size, border, icon, position, style and much, much more! Completely transform your standard projector - every aspect of your final Projector can be customized to your requirements.

Download Zinc 3.0 Today! Available for Windows and Mac OSX
Last edited by MDM Support; 01-27-2011 at 12:18 PM.
Lifetime Friend of Site Staff
SWF Studio V2 (Classic) Update
This is a FREE release of a classic version of SWF Studio.
You can use SWF Studio V2.5 for personal or commercial use without any restrictions. Recompile your old V2 applications to give them new life or create brand new Flash applications for Windows.
· FREE for commercial or personal use
· 100% Standalone V2 Executables
· works on XP, Vista and Windows 7
· same FSCommand API as V2
· same Flash 7 player support as V2
· asynchronous commands only

We are releasing V2.5 for FREE but we will not be providing free support, updates or bug fixes.
We recommend using SWF Studio V3 if you need to develop commercial Windows applications with Flash.
Learn more
When your swf2exe tool just HAS to work
there's only one choice... SWF Studio
Impression Software Suite
Introducing Media Connexus Impression Software Suite
Impression Studio
Slide-based presentation software is now a thing of the past. Impression Studio enables anyone, of any skill level, to create and deliver multimedia presentations. Revolutionary features completely upend the presentation paradigm. With Impression Studio, presenters can quickly author, edit, and publish engaging and compelling presentations. Moreover, presenters are freed from spending time selecting which lame effect, which stale transition, and which mismatched font to use from their current slide-based presentation software. Impression Studio themes are truly that – cohesive and comprehensive themes designed by professional graphic designers. With Impression Studio, presenters are left to focus on their message and the story they want to tell.
Impression Designer
Impression accomplishes this feat by utilizing the rich media power of Adobe Flash and Impression Designer. As a Flash developer, leveraging your design and Flash ActionScript 2.0 skills into the Impression Software Suite is exceedingly intuitive and simple. In addition, Impression Designer opens up numerous new revenue opportunities for you:
- You can now offer your clients custom rich media presentation solutions that will neither break the bank for them, nor become a nuisance for you.
- As a value added reseller of Impression Studio, you have the opportunity to earn extra revenue by selling Impression Studio directly to your clients.
- You can create semi-custom themes for sale to Impression Studio users who can’t afford to commission a custom theme, plus provide them with customization services.
Impression Designer includes a full-featured version of Impression Studio so you can quickly and easily test your themes and create your own presentations to advertise your services.
Please, take a moment to visit our website at www.mediaconnexus.com. Impression is so revolutionary, it truly must be seen to be believed. We have a number of sample presentations (http://mediaconnexus.com/impressionstudio.html) as well as a great many short video tutorials (http://mediaconnexus.com/impressionstudiotutorials.html) to introduce the Impression Presentation Platform. We offer free evaluation versions of both Impression Studio and Impression Designer. In addition, we’re offering both at special introductory rates.
If you have any questions, you can contact me at sales@mediaconnexus.com.
Thank You!
Jeff Springer
Lifetime Friend of Site Staff
SWF Studio and Windows 10

If you said yes to the recent Creators Update to Windows 10 or you have been getting Windows Insider builds, then you already know that it caused problems with SWF Studio applications.
Starting with Windows 10 build 17127, SWF Studio applications just stopped working!
According to the debug logs, SWF Studio applications were not able to find the virtual registry entries for the embedded Flash OCX and the EXE was forced to bail during startup.
A change in Windows 10 that affected our registry virtualization turned out to be the culprit.
The problem has been resolved and tested and we're getting ready to release the fix.
If you're a registered user and you want to try the fix today, just send an email to support@northcode.com and ask for it!
When your swf2exe tool just HAS to work
there's only one choice... SWF Studio
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