Retired Mod
FK's Arena - some guidelines :)
Welcome to Fk's own battle arena!
We welcome any kind if challenge here, whether it is photoshop tennis, theme challenges or actionscript battles, we only ask you to follow a few simple rules.
- when posting images please keep them under 100k and 800 pixels wide!
- please be respectful of other people's threads, don't try to muscle in on a match in progress
- please don't use other people's work in your own images without permission, no rip offs!
- this is not a help forum, please don't post PS or flash help questions here!
Now let's get it on!

The PS Tennis contests:
1. Images can be any size - to be agreed between participants but filesize of the final image should be less than 150k for people on dialup connections. - Anything over 150k should be linked to and if possible, post a 400x300 or small thumbnail to give us an idea of the pic.
2. You must retain a part of the previous image in your "volley" and of course add to it with your own style. The number of "volleys" and the style (eg. black and white, animals, technical, architecture etc) can be set by the challenger in their initial post or agreed on before battle commences. It's pretty flexible and down to the people taking part.
3. No copywrited material to be used (just to be sure! ) Once an image has been created and published it's automatically the property of the creator and without expressed permission cannot be used so be careful!
4. Try to keep it relatively clean but "creative" use of booty will be considered for it's artistic merit
The Contests:
ONE ON ONE: Does what it says on the tin. One person will post a challenge and it's open to whoever wants to accept. Other members are welcome to post comments and encouragement as well as decide on a winner if needed.
FREE FOR ALL: An open challenge to everyone to compete. No real winners as anyone can add to the game, again, one person will post a start image and then if you want to join, make a post to say you will volley back (to avoid people working on the same image) and then work on your entry. No real end of the game either, although the person starting the battle can say how many rounds so it could finish in this way.
TEAM BATTLES/INTER FORUM MATCHES: Games against members from other forums, we're looking at you wow-factor Select a team to represent each site (you are free to decide how many players - the more the merrier - and how many rounds (normally just one volley each) and get it on! Same rules apply in terms of incorporating elements of the previous volley in your image.
It's all a good bit of fun and a great way to improve your skills and see different styles of art. If anyone is unclear on anything in here, feel free to ask. In the meantime, let battle commence!
Typical rules would be something like:
- 800*600 (you specify the image size you want to work with)
- 150kb (maximum filesize of the image)
- Rotation allowed/not allowed (you decide)
- 24 hour volley (the time specified for each player to return an image)
The rules are totally flexible so these are just some of the more typical ones. Hope they help!
Last edited by jamble; 10-13-2003 at 05:35 PM.
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