Senior Member
New Picture Exchange
OK, In keeping with a long-standing tradition started by Lauradot and branching out into the Design & Graphics forum via Aria, I've decided that the first sticky on the Art & Anime board should be a Picture Exchange.
So get in here and post your work - sketches, drawings, finished artwork or photos, renders, etc. etc. and get some feedback. Also feel free to use this space for collaborations, for example, post a sketch and have someone else ink & color it.
Additionally, in the spirit of community, I'd love to see some completed files attached and discussions about different techniques take place in this thread - could become a great resource for the community.
Update - 10/21/03
Unfortunately, due to members using work without obtaining the permission of the creators, and abusing the goodwill of our members, I have been required to put together a clear terms of use statement.
You may use the Content for your personal, non-commercial use only. This means you can use, display, view, browse, download or copy a single copy of the Content on a single computer for your personal, noncommercial use only, provided that you retain any credits, legends or proprietary notices associated with the Content. You may not, however, use, display, view, browse, download or copy the Content for commercial purposes or for monetary gain. In addition, you may not publish, broadcast, distribute, redistribute, transmit, sublicense, participate in the transfer or sale, market or commercially exploit the Content in any media or for any reason without the prior express written permission of the creator or the applicable content provider. Furthermore, you may not edit, modify or prepare derivative works of the Content, nor may you incorporate or otherwise make available the Content in any other publication, product, Web site, database, computer network or other works, in any media or for any reason without the prior express written permission of the creator.
Last edited by CNO; 10-21-2003 at 09:31 AM.
Senior Member
Here's two of my most recent - a character I've been working with for a while now that I had intended to create a game for, but unfortunately time has proven prohibitive (actually, I think I started the last pic exchange with a picture of this guy!).
Basically, these are two quick sketches I took into Flash to vectorize and play around with color.

I think I like the rough style of the first one more.
no noise means no bees
A character for a point and click adventure game i've been developing.... (walking animations too)
oh and watch for the random face changes....
i wanna go back to the days when you could post .swf's here
CNO i prefer the first one too.... just looks better 
and yes the last pic exchange did start with one of your robots
Character Animator
Aya Kittia
Another quick CG sketch. This is Aya Kittia, the bounty hunter who excels in machinery and weaponry for my upcoming manga project D.C.
Ghetto Fabulous
Hey guys thought Id contribute to the cool new sticky! Heres a sketch I did tonite. Im gonna try and color this in painter later.
Senior Member
Xup - Is that a game for your course? Or just a personal project? (I'm actually hoping to take the plunge and start building an engine for that game I've been hinting so much at). The character has a lot of personality, in the walk and facial expressions. Looks well-optimized, too.
Tahn - It's very cool that you're developing your own characters in Flash - have you given any thought to tracing some of those new character scans you posted a while back?
Cy - your recent stuff reminds me a bit of Fred Perry's Gold Digger comic - in a good way. Can't wait to see your comic!
Mel - Nice sketch - very dynamic. Actually, I wouldn't mind seeing a comic done entirely in that graphite style - shades of grey. Might not translate well to print, tho. Will be cool to see the transition to color, especially seeing some of your monster pics.
I think the main problem with the two robots is that the first one is better proportioned than the second. I'll be posting some animation tests as time goes on.
'till then, keep 'em coming! Looking great so far.
Character Animator
I haven't had much time to make up new characters; but once I finish illustrating this book I'm doing for my sign language class, then I might post some of those characters up. one of these days I'll get ahold of a scanner and scan in some of my latest anime
no noise means no bees
Originally posted by CNO
Xup - Is that a game for your course? Or just a personal project?
its just a personal project... i been playing alot of old point and click games like maniac mansion, space quest and sam and max... never seen a point and click in flash so i thought i'd make one....
coming along quite well (very slowly)... although i'm not to good with collisions... or backgrounds
no noise means no bees
two more thingys i found... made these both awhile ago....
just testing the paintbrush tool... only recently started using it for animation....
a little stick bmx animation i did for my friend site (www.oxfordbmx.n3.net)
completely random shouldn't do the same run ever..... i could watch these guys for ever 
poet and narcisist
Senior Member
/me beats up you guys for sending me to sites with pop-under ads.
XUP - that truck looks familiar. And what is that guy by the car smoking? Great stuff - the motion is really tight, and the random aspect is also very cool. Almost... soothing to watch...
Argo - nice job on the coloring, the shadow is a cool touch. I'd add more definition on her head so her face isn't so flat - but the flowing colors on the clothes are very cool.
I'll try to be posting more pics as soon as work lets up a bit - I've got some cool ones that I want to post.
Ghetto Fabulous
hey CNO thanks for the sticky ... great stuff here!
awesome stuff! Inspirational Id love to find some time to do some animating..
great job on the coloring!
Still practicing my female characters.So heres my latest..
OK guys I colored her. Got to tweak some but for now its a post

Last edited by melmann; 10-30-2002 at 01:18 AM.
no noise means no bees
Ghetto Fabulous
Love the female sketch Mel, nice colouring on it as well.
You are very talented, along with another talented member on this board Coffee Cat
Everyone else good work, will put something up soon but feel intimidated by all the talent here.
poet and narcisist
Originally posted by xup878
neways Argo love the pic... reminds me of Dementia7's work... the coloring is great 
well, yes, it was the first time when i visited dementia7.com when i realized my drawings could have some color. That's when i started posting in this forum, and that was when i thought of ::exodus:: too. It has a little bit to do with him....yep, but the style is all mine, i dont try to imitate, by no means. Anyway, it's sad that still i got no dvd (d7)....but for me, it's forgotten, that's the price i have to pay for living in a third world country...
so....your work is pretty nice too, hope i see more of your stuff soon...
and you too toony, i post something... don't be afraid....we don't bite....except for CNO
Ghetto Fabulous
Hey all still practicing my female drawings so heres the latest.
I'll try to clean it up and color it soon.
I'm dope.
ur next one should be of the two of them mud wrestling, melmann
Here is my CG.
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