Senior Member
Some great stuff again - cyyeun, great use of light/shadow on that figure. I like the reflected highlights.
Mel - your stuff reminds me of some of those 1950's pin-ups (Betty Paige style) - especially the second one. In the first sketch, the legs look a little short (or the arms too long, not sure which). Tough pose to draw, tho - I like the volume in the hair. 
Toony - let's see some drawings!
no noise means no bees
All this pressure, I will put something up soon, going to flick through my scrap book some of the old stuff maybe.
Cyyeun I do like..
Ghetto Fabulous
Awesome CGing. Love the colors!
I really never had learned traditional drawing and got some books from the library to start retraining myself...I really want to get better at it.
hahahahah Thanks for the vote of confidence! Now only if I felt that way! 
Im not submitting anymore till you post some art....
(just adding to the mounting pressure) heheheh
Ok Ok
I was flicking through some of my old work (1998 stuff) and came across these 2 which i'd thought i would post (the biker one was used in a motor bike magazine)
I wouldn't say they are top notch and no match to some of the work seen so far on here.
Ghetto Fabulous
Those are sweet! And you got published? No need to be timid youve definately got skills! Get crackin on more! Im lookin forward to seeing them!
i'm just really itching to draw and color something but i really don't have time for either... maybe in the weekend i really can't promise anything. Things are really going bad for me, but i'll see what i can do!
Ghetto Fabulous
Bored tonite and didnt get many trick or treaters so sketched some. I know theres probs with the gun.
I do like that one Mel, and thanks for the comment on mine.
Its good to see everyones different style, its a shame we are not seeing more members adding their stuff.
Senior Member
Originally posted by toony
Its good to see everyones different style, its a shame we are not seeing more members adding their stuff.
Yeah - if we could convince Toony to contribute, so should everyone else - come on toony, peer pressure! 
Great stuff, btw - I like the line style, and the method of coloring really compliments the character of the drawings.
no noise means no bees
Ghetto Fabulous
Hey anti-shock,
Welcome (j/k) Great stuff! Love the different type of chars! hope to see more soon!
justice strike
hope to see some stuff from you soon as well!
What the Sunday Sport? (A newspaper which has page 3 on every page)
And yes Justice lets see some of your work
Ghetto Fabulous
Ok I colored the last guy...
I'm dope.
here is an animation i made, wasnt hard at all, but its nice too look at.
it has nothing to do w/ anything else, ill post my drawings as soon as possible

It’s been a while…
Couldn’t resist posting some crappy artwork since I noticed this thread…
Glad to see a few familiar names around still…
Back to lurking… =)
Senior Member
Wow, there has been some great stuff so far. Best picture exchange yet 
I'm pretty busy at the moment but i'll see if I can come up with something to lower the standard a little
Senior Member
Originally posted by catbert303
Best picture exchange yet
I agree. Keep the great stuff coming, guys!
And, welcome to the modship, catbert! The scars should heal pretty quickly...
Senior Member
Thanks CNO 
It's been fun so far, people seem to listen to me now which makes a change
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