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Thread: Site Check

  1. #41
    Can't Re- Member gusmus's Avatar
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    no subject (sold my passport)

    Just a play about of ideas for my page revamp,, no where nearly finished yet but it's coming along slowly, have a look at "estorton" in the portfolio menu. Bob,, we need midi support,, the jazz track is almost four minutes long and is only 65k,, it's also better quality that I can get by having to compress my mp3 or wav files to 22000hz mono to make them acceptable. Is there a problem with midi in flash?,,I always revert to dropping midi into the html but it has its limits in so far that when I load another movie then I'm stuck with the same sound track,,or it doesn't sync,.. Cheers
    Last edited by gusmus; 06-23-2003 at 11:36 PM.
    humanus somes est divinitus in ipsum
    Wiliiam Wallace

  2. #42
    Degenerate and baise art thou. docree's Avatar
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    Try recording your music to a lower bitrate, rather than compressing. This is the reason most people claim that compressing video is bad. They use compression tools to compress a bad video file and the compression tools don't do the process correctly.

  3. #43
    Senior Member
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    I believe that Flash does not support midi. You might try streaming the mp3.

  4. #44
    Can't Re- Member gusmus's Avatar
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    Originally posted by docree
    Try recording your music to a lower bitrate, rather than compressing. This is the reason most people claim that compressing video is bad. They use compression tools to compress a bad video file and the compression tools don't do the process correctly.
    I suppose that compression was the wrong word to use,,yes, all mp3,s are compressed wav, what I was getting at was the fact that no matter what sound source you use apart from midi, it is going to eat up a huge chunk of swf space that could be better used as image quality or movement, that echoed opera piece on the page sounds sumptious when played at 44000 128 bit but now it's down to 22000 and 64 bit mono (to make an acceptable file size) it sounds like Monty Python with glandular fever. I suppose I'm a bit spoiled in that respect being an ex musician and having a very good quality recording set up. As for streaming, yes, it can be done for the computer you are working on, but the sync falls apart whenever you play the swf on another machine so as a background muzak then it's fine but as an integral part of the movie it's back to tinny sounds and huge files.

    Bob,,I'm surprised that midi is incompatible with flash as it is a pure data instruction source and much less complex that raw sound data (hence the file sizes).Not being a whizz like yourself when it comes to programing and machine codes, perhaps I'm talking out of my hat, but I should have thought that there must be some way to integrate it as all it is actually doing is talking to the sound card, no codecs involved, just a constant stream of pure data, in fact it's about as close as you can get to an action script as it basically carries out the same function albeit with sound instead of vision.
    humanus somes est divinitus in ipsum
    Wiliiam Wallace

  5. #45
    Senior Member
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    I think Johnie knows how to combine midi with a flash animation. I don't have that reference at the tip of my fingers.

    You might try searching in this forum with midi keyword and postings by johnie.

  6. #46
    Senior Member
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    You have to convert the Midi to Wav or MP3 or synch it using other Flash Player Methods and FS Commands.

    You can record a Midi to Wav by doing this;

    1) open the volume control located in your system tray.

    2) on the volume control window click options > properties.

    3) The properties window will appear. Select the "Recording" radio button and a list of recording controls will appear that correspond with the recording selection.

    4)deselect all of the devices by removing the checks from their corresponding boxes. The only one you need is synthesizer so make sure you leave a check by it.

    5) click "OK" and the window will close leaving behind just the control for the synthesizer. Place a check on that box to select it and adjust the volume to whatever you want (half way is ok).

    6) close the recording volume control and open sound recorder. (It is located in start > programs > accessories > entertainment > sound recorder)

    7) open your midi file in your default media player such as windows media player. Once the midi begins to play just press record in your sound recorder.

    8)Once you have your recording just edit it anyway you want. Save it as WAV and you are set to go.

    There are several freeware Midi conversion apps out there.

    My Favorite Freeware to Convert Midi's 2 Wavs;


  7. #47
    Junior Member
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    Here's my site for The Harmonica Shah Blues Band featuring Howard Glazer. Flash, frames, java, html, whatever it takes to make it work. Tried to keep it simple and easy to navigate. Hope it's not too simple.


  8. #48
    MaD Member : )
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    Here's my website, completly done in koolmoves. It Is very far from finished but nonetheless here it is:


  9. #49
    Can't Re- Member gusmus's Avatar
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    Have a cactus. Cheers,
    (Bit of a slow loader on dial up)but it's got to be cleaned up yet.
    PS. if anyone can help me out with the german text I'd be very greatful.
    humanus somes est divinitus in ipsum
    Wiliiam Wallace

  10. #50
    Relaxing tmoore935's Avatar
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    Have a cactus. Cheers,
    (Bit of a slow loader on dial up)but it's got to be cleaned up yet.
    PS. if anyone can help me out with the german text I'd be very greatful.

    It tool less then 30 sec on my pc with a 56k v.92. Each section about 10 secs after that.
    Any programming language is at its best before it is implemented and used.

  11. #51
    Junior Member
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    cartagena spain
    I also have a website made with koolmoves, it have been working since november 2002, but this week I have changed the design, it's better.
    All, or almost all content in my web are made in koolmoves, animations, menus etc. v2.8 and v3.6

    Well, I hold for your opinions, and sorry about my English but I'm Spanish.

    The url : http://www.g4forza-flash.es.vg

  12. #52
    Junior Member
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    Four Cartoons made with Koolmoves

    Okay, here are four cartoons I created with Koolmoves at www.greencats.com :

    Murder Suicide
    The Vet
    Ordinary Man
    Talk Show

    Check back soon because I plan to add a new cartoon every week.

    Any comments would be really appreciated!

  13. #53
    Junior Member
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    Sorry this link might work better:


  14. #54
    Relaxing tmoore935's Avatar
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    Re: Four Cartoons made with Koolmoves

    Originally posted by smile1
    Okay, here are four cartoons I created with Koolmoves at www.greencats.com :

    Murder Suicide
    The Vet
    Ordinary Man
    Talk Show

    Any comments would be really appreciated!
    You should indicate the file size or use a preloader.

    I watched all four and murder suiced seemed the funniest. You must be creating these late at night

    Any programming language is at its best before it is implemented and used.

  15. #55
    Senior Member FLASHPULSE's Avatar
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    Re: Four Cartoons made with Koolmoves

    Originally posted by smile1
    Okay, here are four cartoons I created with Koolmoves at www.greencats.com :

    Murder Suicide
    The Vet
    Ordinary Man
    Talk Show

    Check back soon because I plan to add a new cartoon every week.

    Any comments would be really appreciated!
    I like the "The Vet" one myself. Funny and sick at the same time. Your emails are too funny.

  16. #56
    Junior Member
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    Here is mine.


    it is the hp of my high school ("gymnasium") graduation class

  17. #57
    I C SERVERS Makulaf's Avatar
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    My site

    Just got done making it

    2 template ever made!!!

    View It

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  18. #58
    Relaxing tmoore935's Avatar
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    You were asking for ideas so my suggestion is to insert a scrolling text box in the blue square. Then add some "Flashy" thing at the bottom of the page.
    Any programming language is at its best before it is implemented and used.

  19. #59
    I C SERVERS Makulaf's Avatar
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    Fredericksburg, VA


    yea that a great idea thank you plz check my template 3!!!
    New Tutorial Site Coming

  20. #60
    Relaxing tmoore935's Avatar
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    colorado, usa

    Re: yea

    Originally posted by Makulaf
    yea that a great idea thank you plz check my template 3!!!
    Were is it?
    Any programming language is at its best before it is implemented and used.

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