Karma police
This was posted on cool sites, i think it has a realy great usage of video, pretty tight, a little heavy, but is worth it.
Karma police
This is also from cool sites, http://www.foreverhonor.com/, also great usage of viseo.
Here is a nice example of well thought through video for the web. Consider the decision to use a monochromatic backdrop which enables them to squeeze the living daylights out of the file.
Egomedia also uses this technique well.
also check
www.riotmanhattan.com -- portfolio section. really good quality stuff there.
Quicktime...you have seen these all before, here they are together.
They have some other high quality QT's, no room for dialups here.
Hope you don't mind us posting this here. We're keen to get some feedback, as we've just finished this new semi-interactive Flash video piece
On the technical side, we wanted to do a piece where the video was interactive and properly integrated into the background of the Flash movie.
We used Squeeze and After Effects on the video before taking it into Flash.
It's a personal, non-commercial art piece, not a commercial design piece for a client for a change. The theme is peace, without being too preachy about it. Fairly topical at this moment in history we think (and just about every other moment for that matter).
Minimum viewing requirements:
Broadband connection (the file is 542KB)
Flash Player 6
Min screen res. 1024 x 768
{ J } & maytey
Not shameless promotion... :)
I post this not as shameful promotion, but for discussion.
We created this for a pitch to a client.
We wanted to show that video could be used on the web (or in this original case, CD) as a traditional, accepted way of telling a story. Most people create a site with photos… our goal was to get into the photographer’s head and tell the story behind the photos, interactivly.
Let us know what you think…
Gather No Moss
(Broadband recommended)
Former Member now elsewhere
Looks really nice but there was one thing that got in my way:
The one thing that really came to my mind is that it's distracting and annoying to have to find that very tiny X every time I need to close a slide so I can see the map location of where the next slide was taken.
Mouse down to look at map and open slide, mouse up, close window, mouse down to look at map and open slide... back up again.... and again...and again....
Please set it up so that a second click on the button that launched the slide closes that same slide? 
Also, on a more general note:
Despite the fact that many others abrasively try to shame people into not using full screen because of thier own opinions (that not all of us share), I have to say that the one thing I can't stand is to have a popup jump in my face that is NOT full screen. This goes for all of us. Either put it in the window I'm already using or make it something that loooks like a stand-alone application outside the browser. Fullscreen gets rid of the "Mickeysoft Internet Exploder" look and any site that does it well looks a hell of a lot better than anything crammed into a tiny window or a browser window.
NOTE: I said "does it well". Things that are done crappy look... well, crappy.
http://www.frosch-studio.com is a good example... though with all that clean space I'm not sure why the menu text is so small.
Flash Video Moderator
I really like the site mudgy.
I don't mind losing the map as much as it would be nice to have the images cycle thru. Maybe have him voice-over while the pictures are going thru, then use video simply for the shots he took - and make the video a bit bigger.
Just a little too much clicking to be done - and after a couple of clicks, I was already tired of the photog in the studio shot.
I like the way it plays like a movie - reminds me of the "Becoming Human" (?) stuff on Nat. Geo.
As far as full screen goes - I use it all the time. I've been using the Stage.onResize() quite a bit lately. I really hate the browser window and I don't see too many popups that are done tastefully.
In your case, the popup feels fine - but I like to grab the viewers full attention for stuff like this by going chromeless-fullscreen.
Former Member now elsewhere
I'm not trying to disagree with Wheels, just let you know how it felt to me. I really liked seeing the x's on the map that mark where the shot was taken... kind of allowed me to put a "place to the picture" the same way it's nice to be able to use an avatar to allow people to put a face to the name (as Wheels himself has done :c) ).
To me, the main thing was having to constantly jocky up and down with the mouse to do what I wanted to do next. Let's face it, we're lazy by nature... I want to get to the site, park the mouse and just click when I'm ready to go to the next step without having to move the mouse all over.
Whatever ends up being easy to use (usability) and still delivers on the vision you set the site up with in the first place (which is great!) should work out fine.
Karma police
Found it on locomotion, watch the reels, slick work.
Karma police
Also : http://www.heliozilla.com/ awesome, thats the kind of action. . .
(check the reel of course)
Last edited by phreakdevil; 08-22-2003 at 10:41 PM.
Loads of video
we got loads of video on our new site - it needs testing if anyone wants to.... you have to select a video project and then the last file on the file list for that project www.bubblemedia.co.uk
check out our film and video section
Peak Studios - web design
re: bubble
nice site bubble, works well, nice and simple design, beautiful.
i have a question about how you are loading your video if you have a sec. i have noticed that it is possible to get more than one video downloading at once and that is a problem if one has larger movie files on the site cause it loads up the bandwidth and makes 'em load real slow. i haven't come across a site with video that this doesn't have this problem. it reminds me of the streaming mp3 problem a while back, you couldn't stop a mp3 from downloading once it had started, now the same with swf's? any insights here? im on an osx mac ie 5.2.2.
also when i get more than one video downloading at once on your site it seems to confuse the download percentage indicator.
thanks --grish
mmm - not sure about this...
The problem doesn't show up at my end but i am on 2Mb/s ADSL
I am loading swfs in to a target movie for example "McDropZone" to replace what was orginally there ...
I have made the assumption that if the new swf is being loaded into "McDropZone" to replace the orginal swf then that should stop the original swf from loading ...
there doesn't seem to be any actionscript / object to cancel a loadmovie
does anyone have a way of canceling a loadmovie action.
are you loading the swf on it's own _level or through a emptyMovieClip?
use this code for a _level situation.
//2 is the _level which you loaded the movie
//then load the other movie
loadMovieNum("yourfile.swf", 2)
//set this variable on the _root level
var switchSection;
//put this code where you need it
//set the 1st movie you loaded.
_root.switchSection = Home
//then load the 1st movie
my_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("home", 2);
//now you can use this code to switch the movie
my_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("new", 2);
_root.switchSection = new
That should give ya a good start.
Peak Studios - web design
re: multiple videos loading
re: multiple videos loading
hi bubble and quincewyss-- i built the project that i was working on the same way bubble did, loading into an empty mc. after seeing the multi-download bog down i tried an unlaodMovie() and a then a removeMovieClip() before loading the new movie. nothing stopped the download for my mac system, but in testing on the pc it seemed to kill the one that was downloading.
loading into levels i did not try. have you tested this on a mac, quincewyss? with ie 5.2.2, netscape 4.7 and newer, player6.0r79 (and the others too, but haunt tested with 7).
the uglyness of this problem is extra bad when say the first movie is downloading and you switch to a second movie which may be bigger or is less downloaded and you are seeing all the second movies content and copy and the first movie finishes its preload and pops itself in the second movies spot, yuk. then a bit later the second movie jams itself into the targetMc (shared targetMc with the first) and replaces it, unless of course you have moved on to another movie, or into another section and you at that point have three fat movies downloading plus the section.swf that you are in transition into and things are all slow. you get the idea.
i just abused bubble's (very nice) site hard, quite hard, and while i could still get the videos in projects 2 and 5, where i was testing, to be downloading at once which did slow things down noticeably, i didn't see the download indicator get confused but it did just not show up once until the movie was totally loaded and it animated to 100%. i'd say that is fixed as i then knew to hit play. i never say the first movie end up in the second movies spot, though it downloaded into the cache and was there when i went back to it, as one would expect. but it would be better if it had stopped downloading, naturally, but maybe this is impossible?
bubble, it would be great if i could see how you are pulling this off as you site as it is working better than i have seen a while. also, your videocontroller is working well too, i couldn't break it. is it something you developed from scratch? i'd love to see how it works. maybe you can post for us flashkiters to see or email something (emailremoved)? anything would be great even if you just talked it through, if you had time.
thanks a lot for all your help.
Last edited by grish; 09-25-2003 at 08:57 PM.
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