05-05-2006, 05:53 AM
Bunchprunk Dadger.
A: "Why the hell won't my footer work?"
B: "Well son, if you stick yer arse out the window, someone's bound to throw stones at it."
05-11-2006, 05:44 AM
Video in a game... quite cool
I found this. A game that uses video assets.
Quite interesting.
You have to ckick to launch the game in a new window
08-16-2006, 09:26 AM
 Originally Posted by bihan
The http://visioscene.com site uses Flash streaming, but I've been told that they also use Quicktime and WMP formats. Quicktime is going to be used for Video Podcasting. WMP is used with some partners that are silly...
09-06-2006, 05:21 AM
thanks for all!!! cool links!!
12-22-2006, 06:29 PM
Opinion on the Flash video used on my site.
Hi everyone I've relaunched my site http://www.archiveclassicmovies.com. I'm using tons of FLV based video. I wondering if you guys could give me some feedback on the way I'm implementing it. The specific URLs are. http://www.archiveclassicmovies.com/watch.html and the downloads section.http://www.archiveclassicmovies.com/downloads.html.
Scott Saunders
01-24-2007, 05:29 PM
 Originally Posted by Wheels
Thought I would start a new stickie in the hopes that others would share some of the better video they have found on the web.
I'll start it off - a friend turned me onto this site today:
www.bethorton.mu/ // Goto the video link on the upper right - It's Quicktime/Flash. Made with Live Stage Pro.
This is very good as well:
http://www.vw.com/newbeetle/convertible/flash.htm // Flash video.
I don't think the focus of this forum needs to be just Flash video, I would love to see more discussion and exploration of different forms of Flash integration with video.
Broadcast, Flash combined with QT, QTVR's, Windoze Medium (rare), Real - whatever.
Flash is not the end all when it comes to video delivery, it has it's valued place - for sure. I personally believe that QuickTime is the most versatile and offers the best overall quality at similar data rates. I find myself working with QT much more than Flash (and it's much less time consuming I might add).
My favorite software (besides Flash of course) has to be a tie between the Sorenson-3 Suite and QT Pro. Both cheap and easy to use (your sophmoric joke goes here).
It really depends on the need, I don't recommend doing Flash because you can - but using it because it's the best solution for your requirements is proper justification. I guess I'm saying - don't force it, use it if it's right.
Anyway, my .02c.
Both the above links don't work.
01-24-2007, 09:03 PM
Flash Video Moderator
 Originally Posted by djacob7
Both the above links don't work.
Nothing lasts forever, especially on the web - that post is probably 5 years old btw.
My opinion of Flash video over Quicktime has changed a bit though, Flash video has come a long way.
Quicktime has evolved, and is still better for delivering video - case in point, check out Apple's trailer page and download 1080p video - then play it on almost any device from a wrist watch to a light projector, all with amazing quality for the file size.
Last edited by Wheels; 01-24-2007 at 09:05 PM.
01-24-2007, 09:08 PM
You're absolutely right, Wheels.
And thanks for the tip about Quicktime.
01-30-2007, 11:31 PM
I made this site based on the CDR presentation I made initially for the Bouygues Group. It contains multiple high quality streaming flv's in the sections Bouygues Group and Bouygues Telecom. HB required.
03-26-2007, 12:07 AM
best video ever found
the cleanest, sharpest video ive ever seen on the web...
think its streaming flash too...
03-26-2007, 12:14 AM
Perhaps its fairer to say that Quicktime & Flash are converging ? Eg. we decided on Flash for this piece (done using processing - at quite a high resolution, loads very quickly thanks to an account with a streaming supplier . . . http://www.ttmovement.com) because we felt it would deliver at the largest size/highest quality to the biggest number of users. Took us a while to tweak the bitrates and screen sizes to make sure it played on our target range of macs & PCs, but don't reckon we could've had anything like the seamless experience of flash-to-video-to-flash that you can get now. Just my 2c worth.
03-28-2007, 12:15 AM
very very cool. Excelent work! Curious, that effect trapcode particular in after effects?
07-22-2007, 09:33 AM
here is simple aplication of flash flv in elearning online courses which i made long time ago
10-18-2007, 02:17 PM
alright guys, here is this one. http://www.mgmgrand.com/ . I am new to video, but for a video this big, i think the quality is good, how would i be able to produce a video this big and load quickly like this one witha decent quality? cmon u flash experts?
12-05-2007, 02:10 PM
^ I absolutely love that mgm website. Probably my favorite all time. They probably shot the footage with HD to begin and then compressed it later on. How they got it to look like that I dont know lol
02-03-2009, 10:59 AM
Those are very great video collections guys thanks for sharing those video...
Indianapolis Web Design
02-03-2009, 01:19 PM
Flash now has the versatility to play Quicktime compatible mp4 in hi def
very small files
and also can now play MOV or MP4 or even youtube movies
See http://theflvplayer.com/ytplayer2/
mp4 is now the way to go as it is a format becoming a standard on some brands of HD cameras
02-03-2009, 01:42 PM
 Originally Posted by xxxlino
 alright guys, here is this one. http://www.mgmgrand.com/ . I am new to video, but for a video this big, i think the quality is good, how would i be able to produce a video this big and load quickly like this one witha decent quality? cmon u flash experts?
They are using a streaming server, probably Flash Media Server. Most videos "stream" via progressive streaming.
What that means is the file is being transferred into the viewers temporary internet folder
Thanks to broadband, the file can download into the temp file faster than the viewer can watch it. And, most players have a couple second buffer time too
With Flash Streaming Server, the video plays from the server itself, and the flash player in the browser connects using a protocol called RTMP
real time messaging protocol
this allows a large file to stream instantly
more info
05-12-2010, 05:48 AM
great video links thankx for adding
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Last edited by maby; 05-15-2010 at 09:12 AM.
07-27-2010, 06:54 PM
There is a local singer over here who I like and just had a music video made. The quality looks very good on youtube compared to other videos I have watched. I want to upload some videos also and get good quality.
Does anyone know some good settings and types of video to upload?
Thanks for the help
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