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Thread: 3d modeller for swift and otherwise?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2000


    I am waiting around for the swift mac port but am wondering, how is the modeller? I know its just primitives but can you edit them on a point basis? is 3ds the only format to import on? anyone know of a free or cheap modeller or converter that can do 3ds. the inexpensive mac modellers like strata and raydream don't do 3ds. converting from dxf to 3ds is this possible?

    any sort of tips are much appreciated

    thanks jon

  2. #2
    Senior Moderator
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    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    The cheap way out right now is MetaCreations Carrara, It looks like its going to be a one trick pony because of the break up. But it does ok for modeling and exports to 3ds. Now as far as the animation portion of the 3ds model I dont know if carrara will save that part of the track but if it does ( I will check it out ) would be the solution. The modeling in Swift is very, Very basic. Its a first version so they done good!!! Hope this helps, Regards, Bill

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