Get Massive Hits to Your Website
If you have a website you want to promote around the web, this site works well. Uses referrals to help out with traffic and hits. I just signed up, but it's supposed to be very good. If you're interested, check out the site
edit - removed referal id. Flashkit frowns on people posting links with referals ids
Last edited by aversion; 01-11-2004 at 06:47 PM.
Harmony & Justice
I don't know about you, but I usually don't click on links to random sites. 
lol.. it ain't gonna work on me.
Might for other people though... so there's a chance.
Flash Kit Moderator . Duke University
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
I'm not trying to spam or anything...it's an actual website the works to get a website hits
Harmony & Justice
Ya ya. I'm fine with it. 
I'm gonna test this one out though.
See if it works on my friends... pwahahah
Flash Kit Moderator . Duke University
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
You'd be better off targeting a script that does a 'heist' to the major search engines tracking and database compiling system so that your site pops up in the search for various keywords, then using link sharing. What do you know, we wrote such a script!
Link sharing does nothing but cause undo bandwidth loss for your server and not send targeted hits all the time. Don't you think, the targeted hits from a search engine with visitors being redirected to your site who 'searched' for keywords in your market segment, is BETTER than visitors aimlessly clicking links to shared sites? But then again, if it's JUST traffic and hits you want, then hey, whatever works man! But if you want targeted hits redirected from search engine keywords results while getting rid of undo bandwidth being lost to who care's hits, then try the following methods and script:
(1) Do a search in your major search engine (i.e. yahoo) for whatever, say DFW Studios in this example 
(2) After the results display, look at the link in your address bar... Copy/Paste this to an html editor, save for later on.
(3) Next find the 'result' you want to go to and right click on it and say 'copy shortcut'.... Paste this to your html editor, save for later on.
(4) Repeats steps 1-3 with all the various keywords you like that bring up your site a search result (sometimes you have to go deep into the results section to initially find your site).
(5) After done, put this surrounding code into an empty HTML page and run it, once a day for a few weeks. It will magically force your site results for the keywords specified into the top of the search engines.
Here's the surrounding code:
<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
// © Copyright 1995-2003, DFWStudios™. All Rights Reserved.
var i;
var remotea;
var remoteb;
var remotec;
var remoted;
var remotee;
var remotef;
var dacount;
var OrigWindow;
var TimerID;
function WaitWinA(url){
var Address;
function WaitWinB(url){
var Address;
function WaitWinC(url){
var Address;
function WaitWinD(url){
var Address;
function WaitWinE(url){
var Address;
function WaitWinF(url){
var Address;
function WaitSomeMoreA(url){
for (x=1; x<=9000; x++){
OrigWindow.status = "Pausing... :|: " + x + " :|:";
OrigWindow.status = "Heist Count: " + dacount + ". Please wait...";
remotea = window.open(url, "remotea", "resizable,scrollbars,width=750,height=550");
function WaitSomeMoreB(url){
for (x=1; x<=9000; x++){
OrigWindow.status = "Pausing... :|: " + x + " :|:";
OrigWindow.status = "Heist Count: " + dacount + ". Please wait...";
remoteb = window.open(url, "remoteb", "resizable,scrollbars,width=750,height=550");
function WaitSomeMoreC(url){
for (x=1; x<=9000; x++){
OrigWindow.status = "Pausing... :|: " + x + " :|:";
OrigWindow.status = "Heist Count: " + dacount + ". Please wait...";
remotec = window.open(url, "remotec", "resizable,scrollbars,width=750,height=550");
function WaitSomeMoreD(url){
for (x=1; x<=9000; x++){
OrigWindow.status = "Pausing... :|: " + x + " :|:";
OrigWindow.status = "Heist Count: " + dacount + ". Please wait...";
remoted = window.open(url, "remoted", "resizable,scrollbars,width=750,height=550");
function WaitSomeMoreE(url){
for (x=1; x<=9000; x++){
OrigWindow.status = "Pausing... :|: " + x + " :|:";
OrigWindow.status = "Heist Count: " + dacount + ". Please wait...";
remotee = window.open(url, "remotee", "resizable,scrollbars,width=750,height=550");
function WaitSomeMoreF(url){
for (x=1; x<=9000; x++){
OrigWindow.status = "Pausing... :|: " + x + " :|:";
OrigWindow.status = "Heist Count: " + dacount + ". Please wait...";
remotef = window.open(url, "remotef", "resizable,scrollbars,width=750,height=550");
for (i=1; i<=70; i++){
//yahoo heist
//repeat steps and code above for WaitWinC through WaitWinF with other keywords
This script repeatedly loads and simulates search inquiries and search 'clicks' to the urls/shortcuts you specify (hopefully they are to YOUR site, otherwise you're helping another dude!), and it tracks and times the windows so enough loading time elapses for the page to register on the search engines database and keyword tracking systems.
If you have a dial-up connection, change the wait time from 9000 to 25000 so as to allow for slow connectivity to fully load searches.
It really does work and it's FREE! Use it all you want at your OWN risk!
Harmony & Justice
Err... Interesting way of search engine cheating. lol
Flash Kit Moderator . Duke University
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
I have been trying this script on one of my sites, but i am wondering if i am getting it right,
does the script go on indefinitely? i mean it went on for quite a while, i waited until it went over 100 heist count but still it did not stop, so i had to stop it manually.
Another thing, Step 3, you mean you go deeper and deeper using the same word search until you actually find the site, not use a different word search, where you know it exists.
I tried it on google - and when you go right hand click to copy shortcut it does not work like it did on yahoo and only copied the url - is there another way of doing it in google?
Thanks for any help
If you want something bad enough, you will find the time to do it..... believe me
this is interesting..I think I stick around
take it or leave it

that appears spammy
try to stay away
man i tried that stupid program about 2 years ago .. sucked azz then and still does.. spammy spammy.. hand cod esites make them have good solid content an all is good
You can try some of these steps to increase the number of visitors to your site:
Include useful high-quality information on your site.
Submit your site to various web directories and reference sites.
Publicize your site to everyone with whom you communicate.
Provide a Rich Site Summary
Write a newsletter and send it out.
Ask other high-quality websites to link to your website.
Provide motivation for highly ranked websites to link to yours.
Check out a site before you link back.
Keep your website up.
Translate your website into foreign languages.
you can also follow some technical method like Search engine Visibility service from TheWebPole.com
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