Hey all...

I'm doing a presentation for work consisting of several photos, animations and sound clips. I've encapuslated the project so that it is made up of a series of movie clips (based on each sound clip).

My time line resembles:

stop(); has been assigned to each action frame.

at the end of each movie clip I've assigned the actionscript:

The idea is that the playhead moves to frame 1, stops while the first clip plays. Once the first clip is done playing it tells the main timeline to play again. The playhead moves to frame 2 but stops again to let the 2nd clip play. This goes on and on until all clips have played, ending the movie.

I've done this before and it's worked fine for me. However I seem to be running into a problem with my current project. The playhead moves and stops all the way up to, say, frame 9. The ninth movie clip plays... but then that's it.

I'm not sure where the hang up is, either clip 10 isn't playing, clip 9's not advancing the main playhead, or whatever else.

I've checked to see if there were some stray ActionScripting statements, but I didn't find any. And the function calls are the same. That is...

frame 9 [actions]: stop();
frame 10[actions]: stop();

movieclip9[last frame]: stop(); _parent.play();
movieclip10[last frame]: stop(); _parent.play();

Has anyone run into this problem before? Is there anything else that can interfere with ActionScript's play controls?

Thanks in advance,
