New Animation Exchange
(excuse the spelling, i aint that good at english! )
ok, if this becomes popular enough, it might become a sticky. i'm sure there are loads of animators here on flashkit, pro or just for fun. so i was thinking of having a "new animation exchange"! its alot like the "new picture exchange"...only animation. mainly flash, but if anyone does traditional or 3d, great. or even puppet and clay!
you can post full episodes, stuff in progress, experiments of just stuff you did "'cos you where bored"!
it'll be great to see everyones stuff, and a great oppatunity to get feedback and advice from others.
anyone can post, even if its your first attempt. i personally would love to help people who are just starting out.
anyway, i'll start off. this was just a quick thing i did this morning, no story to it or anything, just for a bit of fun.
warning: conatins cartoon violence
anyway, i hope this becomes popular like the picture exchange, i personlay think its a great idea (seeing as i'm an animator! )
so start animating people! 
enjoy, and have fun!
Last edited by bacon man; 08-19-2003 at 11:48 AM.
ok, this was my first full episode. did it a while back! enjoy
warning:cartoon violence
this was my second episode, not as good imo!
warning:cartoon violence (again!)
i am currentley in the procces of new ones, with a script writer.
i've got a few small animation loops etc, i'll post them later
i have one but its pretty sucky
And its not finished yet..
Last edited by Meta_Net; 08-24-2003 at 04:24 PM.
lol. i liked that one meta
lol, thats cool! the pen writing "end" at the end was funny.
good job
here is another from me! it was the july intro for my website (theres a new one each month)
warning:yet again cartoon violence!
thanks meta for posting, hopefully others will join!
Very Cool Animation, BaCoN!
Nice character design! Great particle effects if you know what I mean(blood). Entertaining.
thanks man, much apprediated.
here is another i did just now (no violence this time! )
cartoonfox is angry
i'm not sure why he's angry, but he is!! 
enjoy. looking forward to seeing other peoples animations.
i woould post sum of my animations (great cartoonfox animations btw) but iono how to post it w/out the person having to download it. how?
I agree this shold be a sticky. I am working on a series of my own and I havn't seen a real great place to post cartoons.. so this will work great.
Eagles may soar but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
Originally posted by Bo$$ PlayA
i woould post sum of my animations (great cartoonfox animations btw) but iono how to post it w/out the person having to download it. how?
do you have a host? if not, i suggest hostrocket, they have a free service that is very generous. (i'm using it till i can afford the upgrade)
Originally posted by Munkufust
I agree this shold be a sticky. I am working on a series of my own and I havn't seen a real great place to post cartoons.. so this will work great.
cool, the more the merier. CNO said that if this is popular enough, he'll make it a sticky. so post post your animations here.
looking forward to seeing them.
will do.. My first toon oughta be done in a week or two. Oh and Bacon, if you are using the free hosting from hostrocket.com how is your site just www.cartoonfox.com? I signed up there but it says my site has to be "mydomain.hostrocket.com"
Eagles may soar but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
it isnt, its www.cartoonfox.hostrocket.com
if you go to www.cartoonfox.com it comes up as a "coming soon" page, thats just because my domain company (http://www.wmsdomains.com/) re-directs to a swf page.
anyway, cool. what style are your animations?
Eagles may soar but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
Senior Citizen
Hey Fox, glad you found an outlet for all your enthusiasm, since the competition threads have basically gone down the tubes. Don't forget to touch bases at AWN from time to time, those guys are industry professionals and there's a lot to learn there.
Eagles may soar but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
Senior Citizen
Animation World Network: http://forums.awn.com/ . Not to distract from Flashkit, but this is a forum for animators and by animators.
no stinkin way!!! That's awesome man! Thanks for the link!
Eagles may soar but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
Found a place to fit in
Well, this looks like as good of place as any to make my enterance I've been using flashkit for awhile, just recently began trying my luck at actionscripting (no luck), but animation, I can do. This is probably my strangest to date (and thats saying alot), and its half-way done. I dont know if I'll ever finish, but here it is.
WARNING: No fuzzy animals get killed. 10 fps (I know, I know) all graphics drawn with mouse! Intensly bad strobe effect in one part (sheild your eyes) =D.
PS. I have no clue what the song is saying, so I took a stab at it .... I think I missed.
Its me sitniz, and I'm cunphuzed.
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