lol, that was cool! i didnt understand a bit of it...or a word...but i was kinda funny!
lol, i use the mouse to draw too! its hard first of all, but you get used to it.
not bad, i sugest in your next "episode" you concentrate on the graphics a bit more, but some of the animation was good.
good job, keep it up.
expect to see that on MTV very soon...
I liked the bit where the white crayon/thing was in the grass and there was 3 different camera angles on him. Then it kinda ruined it when the hotdog/playdoh came out of the spaceship
Last edited by Meta_Net; 08-24-2003 at 04:24 PM.
cunphuzed indeed
Heh, glad you found some humor in it. Wouldn't have much of a video without it Don't worry, I don't understand one thing in there. For cartoon, I'm working on a new project with visuals + 500%. That was just for fun, not to be a visual masterpiece ...I dont know tough... the missle sequence was pretty cool.... XD
Its me sitniz, and I'm cunphuzed.
Senior Citizen
Figured I post something here. A little Bon Jovi piece, was trying to win two keychains and some recognition, but their system was such I couldn't send my files to them. So no one won...just the breaks uh Baconman.
lol, that was cool!
i checked your site, you got LOADS of stuff, well done!
good job.
A new kid on tha block 
3 friends that use their sick minds to come up with funny animations.
we got 2 episodes ready of our debut series called "Grandma's revenge", so check it out! For the moment I'm the only one of the 3 doing the animations, but as soon as our third member gets drawing the episodes will start following hehehe.
btw cartoonfox I used a fps rate of 50
ya think that is 2 much?
oh btw
ya can vote for us here :
cool stuff!
50 fps? but its sooo slow on my computer! must be that your using alot of gradients or alpha.
anyway, cool animations. keep it up.
lol i'll vote for you now!
Senior Citizen
Dmz, 50 fps is way overboard, try 25 or 24. Personnally I only use the default of 12.
Great stuff, but shouldn't Grandma have at least feet.
Last edited by phacker; 08-21-2003 at 09:47 AM.
Senior Citizen
Dmz, just something for you to chew on.
Fps stands for frames-per-second. Frame rate determines how fast a movie will run. For example: 12 fps means that 12 frames of the movie will be displayed every second. 15 fps means that 15 frames will be displayed every second.
This does not mean that the Flash movie will always follow the specified fps. Reasons for running below fps:
The movie is too complex
The computer is too slow
Too many programs running at the same time
Think of the fps as a speed limit. A Flash movie is a good citizen who will never break the limit, but it may run slower than the limit.
PS: NTSC television runs at 30 fps, PAL is 25 fps, movies in theater run at 24 fps.
One thing that could be slowing your fps down might be that you haven't converted your characters and parts of your characters to a symbol.
thanks for the tips
the next episode will be only at 24fps
and I'll have to be more carefull and put everything in a movieclip..cause now I think of it some parts aren't in a movieclip in episode 2..gonna try to fix that.
anyhooo the help is appreciated!
Senior Citizen
BaconMan, thought you might be interested in this. Don't make a lot of noise about it. But know you like most of us are looking to make a little money.
Shhhh keep it on the down low yo.
Its me sitniz, and I'm cunphuzed.
Originally posted by phacker
BaconMan, thought you might be interested in this. Don't make a lot of noise about it. But know you like most of us are looking to make a little money.
umm...thanks. but what is it? i dont understand 
Senior Citizen
It's a c*ntest. You design a cover for the binder. You stand to win some good money. I think $1,000.00 is first prize.
Last edited by phacker; 08-22-2003 at 01:32 PM.
Senior Citizen
Hold your mouse over the "Win monthly prizes..." line. It will show you the details.
oh right! lol, i dont think i'd be good at that sort of thing, unless they want a cartoonfox one 
thanks anyway!
(lol, c*ntest! )
Senior Citizen
Hey you were doing great on the website comp. For that kind of money you can come up with some ideas...you're probably still in school, you use those things. What would you want to see on a binder...think that way. I've been out of school for thirty years, but I am going to try and come up with a couple. And what's wrong with working the Fox in you have to host the file on your site anyway. Good advertising. Anyway thought I'd give you heads up, sometimes hard to find place to sell your work.
Take a look at the submissions they have so far...pretty lame.
thir...thirty years?... .......wow! your old, lol!
i'll definatley give it a try sometime, what exactly do you have to do? do you have to buy it first? and then design a front cover for it?
anyway, thanks for brining it to my attention, i need all the money i can get! 
yes, i'm still in school, i'll be in school for at least another 5 years!
thanks again
Senior Citizen
They have templates Bacon. Just download one and have fun. Check the faq section, or send them an email. And maybe to you I seem old, but until someone brings it up I am still feel 22 inside.
Senior Citizen
Back on to animation...here's my latest, a little something for labor day.
Probably shows my age though.
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