lol, cool drawings. i love your style! keep it up!
Patron Saint of Beatings
For future reference, do you think I should post my little sort of animation/sort of drawings with actionscript in this sticky or the art one?
Pretty Little Gunner is coming!
thsi one, deffinaltley this one!! 
lol, if it has animation of any sort, then it should go here.
looking forward to seeing it.
just a quick walk loop i did. i've never done a proper walk before so dont laugh!
Patron Saint of Beatings
Pretty nice walk cycle. A lot better than my first one.. (I tried to do a human walk cycle without a reference.. Oh boy.. )
It is a little bit choppy but reminds me of old loopish 20 - 30s animation... Maybe try to fool around with the speed a little bit?
The ears and tail are a great use of secondary animation but the front ear almost moves a tad too much.
Here's my animated thing if you haven't seen it. It's the opening to the FiStar game if I ever get around to creating one. (Based off Episode 2 of FLCL).
Sorry about the sound loop... I'm going to edit it out tonight.
The eyes, cigarette glow, and shadow of the letters are all controlled by random variables.
Something like:
_width = Math.round(Math.random() * 80) + 30
_height = Math.round(Math.random() * 80) + 30
EDIT: A lot more to come... I love combining animation, actionscripting, and artwork to make... I don't have a term for it yet...
thanks for the advice, its early days but i'm trying to find my animation style. my art style is done, now the animation style! 
cool work, the random stuff works really well.
how about something like..."animationscript" lol! i'm really bad at names.
anyway, thanks again for the tips, and looking forward to seeing more stuff, keep it up.
Senior Citizen
I think your walk cycle is pretty good "Fox", it's got weight and graphity and it fit's your style.
next up is the front walk. i think it'll be harder.
then run side and front.
more to come!
edited it abit before i go off to sleep 
added a bit more bounce!
Patron Saint of Beatings
The extra bounce really adds a lot! 
I'm tired..
ok i've now confused myself
Senior Citizen
This is my latest...kind of speaks to my state of mind at the moment.
i saw this on AWN, cheer up. dont worry, everyone gets a little down sometimes.
nice animation, even if it is a bit depressing 
good luck with your stuff.
Senior Citizen
Hey "Bacon"/"Fox" been working on it...added a fox into it...probably should have been a chicken hawk. I am not giving up just yet, just things may get tight...and won't know when I can get on line again. Also played with all that flourescent green stuff that went on during "shock and awe". Always wanted to do that. Just check out the previous link.
Last edited by phacker; 09-01-2003 at 12:36 PM.
i love the fox, it looks great. lol, it ate the bird, kinda funny and depressing at the same time. 
anyway, great stuff, i'm glad your not giving up. i especially love your on-going episodes with the dog, keep it up.
Ula Girl
Here we go:
She's not perfect... but since when is aniimation perfect? 
Some ppl commented they liked the animation on the tv better. Well maybe another series. ;P
I liked Ula! Sharp animation, good soundtrack and effects and a nice little storyline -- well done!
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