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Thread: Recommended Reading

  1. #1
    Senior Member SJT's Avatar
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    Cow Icon Recommended Reading

    Post your recommended reading suggestions here, stick to this template for your posts.

    Topic: Usability and Web design

    Title: Usability for the Web
    Authors: T Brinck, D Gergle, S D Wood

    Synopsis/Comments: A very good book for a detailed look at the issues that affect HTML based web design. Perhaps slightly dated now, it's still chock full of useful information relevant to Flash just as much as HTML.
    Gives a good coverage from starting out with usability in mind in a project, through the development and design process, testing and deployment.

  2. #2
    Senior Member SJT's Avatar
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    Topic: Usability

    Title: The Design of Everyday Things
    Authors: D Norman

    Synopsis/Comments: This is the classic for looking at design, the reasons for design and the mistakes in design.
    Well written, with a good look at design in general rather than anything web specific.
    It's showing it's age a bit now as it was published in 1989 originally and some of his discussion is aimed at obviously out of date products. Even so, it's definitely worth getting hold of.

  3. #3
    Senior Member SJT's Avatar
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    Topic: Object Orientated Programming

    Title: Object-Orientated Programming with Actionscript
    Authors: B Hall, S Wan

    Nicely written, clear and concise look at how to use OOP in Flash, what the problems with OOP in Flash are and how to get round them. Aimed at Flash MX and 5 (a bit), not MX 2004.
    Definitely requires a good grasp of actionscript to get into properly.
    Last edited by SJT; 10-19-2003 at 03:55 PM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member SJT's Avatar
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    Topic: Interface Design

    Title: The Humane Interface
    Authors: J Raskin

    Jef Raskin was part of the design team for the original Macintosh, this book discusses what he sees as wrong with the interface paradigm we have at the moment.
    The detail this book goes into is outstanding, discussing the finer points of making interfaces that work more effectively with the way people work rather than the other way round.
    It also addresses techniques for analyzing the interfaces for pure efficiency of use in numerical terms, with overviews of GOMS analysis etc. something not usually seen in design, so often treated as a purely subjective issue (it's not).
    Perhaps not entirely suitable for web work, the book still covers extremely valid areas in interface design in general which will become more relevant as web based applications developed in flash become more commonplace.

  5. #5
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    User Interface Design


    Excellent online resource for user interface design concepts.

  6. #6
    Peace and good Vibes Pippomusic's Avatar
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    Starting OOP for ActionScript

    A great book to start dealing with OOP for Flash is

    Topic: OOP for FlashMX

    Title: Object Oriented Macromedia FLash MX
    Author: William Drol

    The author takes you through the concepts and practice of OOP for ActionScript 1, step by step, with plenty of time and examples for both theory and coding.

    It has been my first book about OOP and it really gave me a clear vision. Wonderful starting poit.

    Just after this, next step: OOP with ActionScript, by Branden Hall and Samuel Wan

  7. #7
    Retired Mod aversion's Avatar
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    a few online articles I have found useful,


    Topic: The user's expectations of positions of key UI elements

    Title: Developing Schemas for the Location of Common Web Objects
    Authors: Michael Bernard

    Synopsis/Comments: A relatively short article that explains how users' expectations can effect the optimal placement of key interface elements. Some people may find the conclusion fairly obvious but I always think there's a difference between knowing something and assuming it.

    Here is a companion article for e-commerce interface elements.


    These two articles below are on a site with a wealth of them, check out the article index.


    Topic: why you shouldn't use mystery meat nav!

    Title: Users Decide First; Move Second
    Authors: Erik Ojakaar

    Synopsis/Comments: Interesting article (with pictures!) describing user's clicking habits and how to make the most of interface features without confusing the user.


    Topic: Discussing the reality of recent usability trends.

    Title: Evolution Trumps Usability Guidelines.
    Authors: Jared M. Spool

    Synopsis/Comments: Talks about how practical advice you find in the plethora of books can be to use. Encourages designers to think for themselves and use usability guidelines as just that, guides, and suggests an alternative way of thinking.


    There are a few web portals out there aimed at application and interface designers, the best by far imho is boxes and arrows where you can find a treasure trove of resources and articles. Here's a few recent ones that piqued my interest,

    The Substance of Style: How the Rise of Aesthetic Value Is Remaking Commerce, Culture, and Consciousness

    Natural Selections: Colors Found in Nature and Interface Design

    Semiotics: A Primer for Designers

    Information Design: The Understanding Discipline

    What is a Web Application?

    HTML Wireframes and Prototypes: All Gain and No Pain



  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Thumbs up

    a few handy urls and book titles!

  9. #9
    Senior Member SJT's Avatar
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    Topic: Usability
    Title: http://www.jnd.org/
    Authors: Don Norman

    Don Norman's site has lots of good articles he's written. He's generally a concise yet humorous writer, definitely worth a read.

  10. #10
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    Thumbs up Two important

    'The Art of Human Computer Interface Design', Brenda Laurel, Ed.


    'Computers as Theater', Brenda Laurel

    A major proponent for the 'humanisation' of computing.

  11. #11
    Senior Member sprout74's Avatar
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    The Model-View-Controller method of developing applications is an excellent model for Flash Applications.

    Check out:
    In the tutorial section under SWING for an excellent PDF on Model View Control


    and for a Flash example:
    The master MOOCK:
    "If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
    If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea."
    from The Zen of Python (by Tim Peters)

  12. #12
    Senior Member SJT's Avatar
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    topic: Information Architecture and Interaction design

    title: http://www.jjg.net/ia/visvocab/

    Jesse James Garret has put together the Garret IA modelling system, it's a very simple but useful and effective way of planning the information architecture and interface of a site.
    Mac users, get yourself a copy of OmniGraffle for it!

  13. #13
    Retired Mod aversion's Avatar
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    Don't be put off by the simplicity of this old looking site, some of the application 'don't's are well worth noting!


  14. #14
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    OOP in AS 2.0

    Topic: OOP programming

    Title: Essential ActionScript 2.0

    Author: Colin Moock

    Publisher: O'Reilly

    Synopsis: Wonderful book that goes over the history of OOP in ActionScript, where it was, is and is going. Colin goes over every aspect of programming strict OOP in Flash AS 2.0. From syntax and standards to design patterns including MVC and Delegation Event Model.

    A great thing that he does is to point out every bug in the Flash Authoring Environments implementation of AS 2.0 and all the incorrect compile-time error messages.

    He also explains why several non-standard OOP syntax are used in AS 2.0, like the stupid reason why Post-Colon Syntax is used for type declarations ...

    Many side-by-side comparisons to Java and C++

    I have wanted to adopt complete OOP in Flash since MX 2004 came out, but without having much OOP experience in Java, C++ , or other I was having a hard time grasping the concepts and then applying them to AS. This book covered everything! I highly recommend it.

    [Edit: changed tags to vB Code - SJT]
    Last edited by SJT; 09-24-2004 at 11:05 AM.

  15. #15
    Senior Member SJT's Avatar
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    Topic: OOP Programming

    Title: PROTOTYPE = new methodsForBuiltInObjects();

    A fantastic site for extensions to internal objects in Flash, hundreds of contributed bits of code make both great examples for good practice and useful additions to projects.
    Last edited by SJT; 10-22-2004 at 11:00 AM.

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