I just got it a few days back and I am now trying to install it but when I put the CD into the cd rom an alert pops up saying this:
- Dectecting if DirectX7 is installed on your computer.
I click ok and then this error message pops up:
- DirectX Setup returned with error DSETUPERR_CANTFINDINF
What does that mean? Anyone come across this before? Do I need to install DirectX7 from the web?
Please help if you can.
 Originally Posted by sog_webmaster
I just got it a few days back and I am now trying to install it but when I put the CD into the cd rom an alert pops up saying this:
- Dectecting if DirectX7 is installed on your computer.
I click ok and then this error message pops up:
- DirectX Setup returned with error DSETUPERR_CANTFINDINF
What does that mean? Anyone come across this before? Do I need to install DirectX7 from the web?
Please help if you can.

i have the same prob.did you find out anything about it
Music 2000/MTV Music Generator/PC - DESETUPERR
When I insert the CD into the drive it comes up with 'Detecting if DirectX7 is installed on your computer'. I press OK then it comes back with 'DirectX setup returned with error DSETUPERR_CANTFINDINF' and then nothing more happens.
An invalid page fault in module Kernel32.dll is reported.
If you have installed DirectX 8 or later on your PC (or if you don't know which DirectX version you have) refer to point 1. Otherwise refer to point 2.
1) Install the game by exploring the CD and double clicking on setup.exe. If you have not got DirectX8 on your machine, refer to point 2
2) It seems that DirectX7 has not been installed correctly on your PC. You will therefore need to manually install DirectX7 from the Music 2000 disc. To do this, use Windows Explorer to open up the files on the disc, then find the file dxsetup.exe and double click on it. Once installed restart the computer and try installing the game again.
5 years ago, wow. Way to dig it up Big Dave, hope your problem was solved.
Senior Member
I was about to say. MTV Generator....wtf
"Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous."- T. McKenna
ok... so I've now installed this on my new pc that i built... first in order to get it to install at all you must download DirectX 7.0 and right click to "--(edit compatibility settings to windows 98/Me and run as administrator)--" remember this as well be doing it a few times. once you do that install DirectX 7.0 and say yes to all. now that this is installed take the .iso file you have and burn it to a cd or DVD-r, once burned you need to go to my computer and right click on the cd/DVD drive, select open (NOT open autoplay), inside the disc menu i want you to go to 2 files... "setup" and "start" need to also have their compatibility settings changed to the above settings. now that these are set stay in the cd menu and double click "setup" this will take you through the setup procedure. after the setup procedure is finished do not view the notes, and continue back to the desktop. now from your start menu load the game and it should run. also please make sure you extract all files to a folder before setting compatibility.
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