Hi everybody

How are you? I need a your help.

can somebody please explain me what the below codes does or
functions of it.

iterations = 17;
_root.object0.number = 0;
_root.object0.iterations = iterations;
for (i=1; i<(iterations+0); i++) {
duplicateMovieClip ("object0", "object"+i, i);
_root["object"+i].number = i;
_root["object"+i].iterations = iterations;
Movieclip.prototype.tan_load = function ()
{ Boolean = 0;mycol = new Color(this);x = (2*Math.PI)*(number/iterations);};

Movieclip.prototype.tan_update = function ()
{ x -= (_parent.tracer._x-250)/55000;t = Math.tan(x);_x = (t*360)+250;_xscale = Math.abs(t*0)+100;white = Math.abs(t*10);if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {invert();} else {mycol.setTransform({ra:100, ga:100, ba:100, rb:white, gb:white, bb:white});_visible = 1;Boolean = 0;}};

// Movieclip.prototype.invert = function () { Boolean = !Boolean;_visible = !_visible;ca = (Boolean*200)-100;cb = 255-(Boolean*255);mycol.setTransform({ra:ca, ga:ca, ba:ca, rb:cb, gb:cb, bb:cb});};

Movieclip.prototype.tracer = function (delay) { _x += (_root._xmouse-_x)/delay;_y += (_root._ymouse-_y)/delay;};

Many thanks