Hello all,

Iv been working on my site and iv ran into a problem. Im making it so that my main box resizes and the menu box stays in the left cover even with the main box but about 5 pixels away. Now when I tell the main box to resize it does it only the menu box has not stayed in the same place (even with the left top corner of the main box). Iv been using this actionscript:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
        disMenWin = 0;
        _root.menu._Y = _root.window._Y+(_root.window._width/-3.1)+disMenWin;
        _root.menu._X = _root.window._X+(_root.window._width/-1.3)+disMenWin;

Can some one help me with this? I really need this fixed for my site. Otradesign has a model of the menu and box movement that I want only that the menu would stay in the same place as the main box on the y axis.

NOTE I know how to make the box resize just need to know how to make the menu box and resizing box stay in the say place (menu box stays the same distance away and place from the main box as it resizes). Thanks in advance.