Information Architect
Logo Inspiration & Discussion Thread
You know the situation. You need to do a logo for a client, but no ideas. This thread is to get the ideas for your logos, discuss what kind of logos are perfect for the different kind of company your doing the logo for and to know some basic rules about logos like: "Can I use a bitmap?", "Should I do a black and white version?", "Do I have to create a custom font with the logo" ...
Post logos you like, what you like about them and maybe even what could be made better.
This is not the thread to discuss your own logos, but if you like you can post them, too.
I start with the logo of the USA Volleyball Organistation:
What I like about it is that even without the text, you know the text. There is the flag of the USA implemented in the form of a volley ball. Works really great and is simple enough for a logo.
Old Member
One logo I like at the minute is the BT (British Telecom) logo.

The designer behind it has gone for a good use of colour, some graduation and used a slight opacity to it making it look good to the eye when used with this decent font. Yet it is still simple. (Does anyone know this font?) I think without the font, or even with the wrong font this logo could look so wrong.
The last BT logo was of an athletic man jumping while blowing a trumpet, sounds bad? You should of seen it.
Senior Member
Excellent post Subway!
I like the Nike logo best, its so simple and you can look at someones shoes from 6 feet away and straight away u know they are nike's (the branding behind it may be a major factor)
i'm not that keen on the new BT logo, but it is better than the old one (the horn blower) 
Retired Mod
The BT logo is another example of logo design busking the 'rules' that have been part of the process of logo design for centuries almost - that a logo must be simple, work in black and white etc.
More and more large companies (like BP as another example) seem to be producing logos that wouldn't have been possible a few years ago. Of course you have to be able to afford digital colour printing and all that to ensure that your brand is consistent but I think it's a good trend, allows people to be more creative.
The BT logo is also a good example of a design that has obviously from the very beginning been created with motion in mind, if you've seen their ads the coloured 'globe' is rotating and the colours blending as they pass infront or behind of others. I think in some ways the logo only really becomes complete when you see it moving.
Information Architect
This site should not be left out of this thread. (15 trends taking shape in logo design)
Old Member
Originally posted by aversion
The BT logo is also a good example of a design that has obviously from the very beginning been created with motion in mind, if you've seen their ads the coloured 'globe' is rotating and the colours blending as they pass infront or behind of others. I think in some ways the logo only really becomes complete when you see it moving.
I do watch quite a bit of TV, but until you mentioned the logo actually moves I wouldn't have said off the top of my head that it's an advert that I would remember, I didn't even mention it in my original post. Good logo, naff marketing.
If I'm really stuck for an idea I sometimes break the name down into syllables. Each of these syllables is assigned a phonetic shape.
I speak out loud each syllable until I have a strong image of it phonetic shape; a phonetic shape is a simple directional line that describes the density and velocity of the sound.
Take for example the word 'banana'. It has three syllables: 'ba', 'na' and 'na'.
'ba' is hard and has a fast acceleration due to the starting 'b', just like in the word bang. This I would interpret as a vertical line that illustrates the high volume and short duration of sonic impact along a horizontal axis.
'na' is the same but is soft and has a slower acceleration. It also has a very distinct rise in tone and therefore would be drawn as a longer, rising diagonal line, possibly with a curl at the start to illustrate the vibrato qualities of the 'n'.
The resulting three shapes are drawn in the centre of the page and that will usually give me a foundation for the general aesthetic of the logo.
Try it for yourself and let me know if I am the only person this works for.
Part Time Goth
oooh... could have used this thread a couple of weeks ago.
company finally chose new logo *kicks nearest wall* they chose the one that I hated the most! lol. murphy's law!
oh well :P
diplomacy at its best.
Yuusen.. that is a top tip!
<:8O)~~~ RATS! they ate my footer! ~~(O8:>
Information Architect
Yeah, great inspiration Yuusen.
Here are two great tutorials I found at DesignHarbor:
PS: I made this thread a sticky for the moment, so don't post smalltalk in here.
Part Time Goth
The way that we started with the new logo for our company was a brainstorm. We belted out everything that had to do with our company and the way out software does its job. From there we developed trains of thought... we even had Where's Wally (Waldo for the US!) references...
We wrote all the words down - sent them to key members of staff, and got them to vote on their favourite concept that represented the company - no matter how obscure.
The top five concepts were then taken to drawing phase. Rendering these in black and white in the most wacked out ways - just letting the pen swirl until there were over 100 marks to choose from. From here, the top 20 were chosen and developed further. From these we narrowed down the list and reworked again.
Eventually we were left with two logos... 
the brainstorm was by far the best way though because we always had a reference of what the company stood for for various key members of the team
<:8O)~~~ RATS! they ate my footer! ~~(O8:>
Information Architect
From a logo design company:
Logo Design Theory:
A perfect Corporate logo Design is defined by 3 factors: A logo must be most and for all 'identifiable', this means that some details in your logo makes it readable in any kind of circontances (on a Fax, on TV or on a car, a logo can be huge or extremly small).
Your logo needs also to be 'memorable' among all other business logo design. This means: a simple shape, 1, 2 or 3 colors maximum and a simple but smart idea. More color and more shapes are used more it is difficult to remember. It takes an average 46 times to remember a 2 colors logo, much more when 3 colors are being used. The last but important factor, a logo have to be 'harmonious'.The aesthetic of a logo is not only a question of beautiful image and nice color it is also a question of harmony between 'an idea' and 'a shape'. This is why the selection of the right concept for your logo design is key to reach an appropriate result.
A professional Graphic Design Logo Services should let handle 50% of the creative process by the client. The difference between a Small business Logo Design and a Corporate Logo Design are the expensive brand bulding work. A small business just want an affordable logo Design and an easy to use stationery. Graphic Design Agency used to be costly and time consuming. With the computer, the internet and the capacity to exchange digital media, Online logo Design Agency have appeared by the hundreds during the past 5 years and any small business can now request to create its own affordable logo design in a matter of days spending 1/10 of what it used to cost with professional result.
And an other tutorial link: http://www.bamagazine.com/Ligature/Ligature01.html
About creating a logo that should be trademarked: http://www.registeringatrademark.com...esigning.shtml
The process of redesigning a logo: http://www.digitalwebmag.com/tutoria..._2003-04.shtml
A huge list of great logos: http://www.logoed.fsnet.co.uk/logos.html
Heaven is made of 1's and 0's
No beginning. No end. Inspired by a Zen ring and using red, the Lucent logo is one of my favorites.
Mine is
They also use a text based logo which is simply Alias | Wavefront
Man i just love that
Check these logos out
All flash except a couple. Pleased with most, except a few..
logos galore!
Also here's my tutorial on doing this in flash
logo and text tutorial
Karma police
This is one of my favourites, because of the hidden bonus, can u see it?
Senior Member
I assume you are talking about the arrow that is created by the negative space in between the 'E' and the 'x'?
> .. _ .: Join the FK ARENA!:..:RUSHVision vs. JWin:. _ .. <
..:: "Why aren't the lockout programs working?!?...Release the monkey!" ::..
Karma police
Senior Member
Ooohh...a prize! That FedEx logo is a nice piece of work. Simplicity itself, yet full of complexity.
> .. _ .: Join the FK ARENA!:..:RUSHVision vs. JWin:. _ .. <
..:: "Why aren't the lockout programs working?!?...Release the monkey!" ::..
great stuff... the fedex arrow has certainly been catching my eye the last couple months.
oh, and in the mind's sequence of cognition shape *does* come first!
Senior Member
Here is my favourite Logo:

Being a familiar identity in every UK houseold since 1936, the BBC logo has an advantage in that everyone already knows the brand. It has not changed it's simple approach since it was first introduced, other than to italic the letters "BBC" inside 3 squares, in 1988. Since then, it has become fine tuned into the ultra-symbol that it now is.
Beautiful. Strong. Functional. Everything a logo is required to be.
Last edited by ::bluemoth::; 03-31-2004 at 06:27 AM.
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