Yes we can
Flashkit members´ choice Game AWARDS 2003! [VOTE HERE NOW!]
Ladies and gentlemen,its an honourful task for me to announce the first "Flashkit members´ choice Game AWARDS!"
These are the categories:
-Most addicting complete flash game
-Most innovative complete flash game
-Most impressive game engine (uncomplete game)
-Best Flash Game programmer
-best graphic artist
-best game development team
-Best flash game development related application (not flash nor an app released before 2003)
Last edited by tomsamson; 01-03-2004 at 03:43 AM.
Yes we can
As january 1st should be over in all timezones now (and therefore all stuff released in the last year had its chance getting nominated)
Here they are,the Candidates for all categories:
-Most addicting complete flash game:
-Telescope game
creator: madder_ali
-Ultra Armageddon
url: http://www.shoah.co.uk/1c1p/ua/index.html
url: http://www.twokingdoms.com/
-Heli Attack2
-Jammed Again
-recycle boy
-Cave Racer
url: http://mbenney.lazoom.com/cave_racer/caveracer.html
-The JBJ Sisters
-Most innovative complete flash game
url: http://nlp.fi.muni.cz/~xsvobod4/aman...ost/intro.html
-Kart Racer (flashkart 2/gold)
-Heli Attack2
-Fast Froots
-office space
-Jammed again
Magnet Fight
-Most impressive game engine
-Space Control 3D
creator: stormgulf
-percypeas´game engine
url: http://www.flashkit.com/board/showth...0&pagenumber=1
-Krill M´s OBJ engine
-Strille´s Sonic Plattform engine demo
-Marmotte's Flash fight game engine
-best graphic Artist
url: http://www.twokingdoms.com
-Ferry Halim
for: orisinal webpage and games
-daydream,for various game titles like jammed again,heli attack2,cave racer and little rocket man
-best flash development team
Tomsamson, BlinkOK, Squize,daydream and others
-squarecircle.co - iopred /daydream - for little Rocketman / HeliAttack 2
-2K team
-Best Flash Game programmer (one man)
-Andre Michelle
-Krill M
-Percy Pea
-Token 3
-best flash game development related application:
-FFSB (Flasher's Full-Screen Browser)
creator: stormgulf
-Flash Plugin Switcher
creator: KewBee
url: http://www.kewbee.de/FlashPluginSwitcher/index.php
-swift 3d xpress
-Squize's tile engine
url: http://www.bomberstudios.com/sciteflash/
You can start voting in this thread now!
Rules for voting are:
-you can vote during the whole week (that means you can also modify your votes during this week)
-you can vote for all categories
-you can hand out 6 points per category
3 points for the candidate you like most in this category
2 points for the candidate you think should become 2nd
1 point for the one you think is worth third place
-you have to hand out points for 1st second and third place for each category you want to rate
(not a must have but would be nice nevertheless: giving a brief statement why you choose that one =) )
(so a vote for one category could look like this:
Best Game coder (one man):
1st. Strille
2nd. Marmotte
3rd. Squize
Edit: as several members were concerned that they missed the nomination phase during the christmas holidays,we allowed nominating additional candidates for two more days.
Newly added candidates are marked green.
All who already voted can change their votes if they like some of the candidates more than those they voted for.
have fun =)
Last edited by tomsamson; 01-07-2004 at 12:08 PM.
Most addicting complete flash game:
1: 2Kingdoms (3 points)
2: Heli Attack2
3: recycle boy
Most innovative complete flash game:
1: Kart Racer
2: Fast Froots
Most impressive game engine:
1: percypeas´game engine
best graphic Artist:
1: Ferry Halim
1: Daydream (nope, its not an error. give em both 3 points)
2: BlinkOk
3: Marmotte
best flash development team:
1: Kazoowee
2: 2K team
3: extrajetzt
Best Flash Game programmer (one man):
1: Andre Michelle
2: Tonypa
3: Strille
best flash game development related application:
1: Screenweaver
thats about it. tom, u mentioned Jammed again twice.
Senior Member
Most addicting complete flash game:
1: Heli Attack2
2: Jammed Again
3: 2Kingdoms
Most innovative complete flash game:
1: Kart Racer
2: Jammed Again
3. Fast Froots
Most impressive game engine:
1: strilles´game engine
2: Marmotte's Flash fight game engine
3: percypeas´game engine
best graphic Artist:
1: Ferry Halim
2: Marmotte
3: BlinkOk
best flash development team:
1: Squarecircle.co
2: Kazoowee
3: 2k team
Best Flash Game programmer (one man):
1: iopred
2: Tomsamson
3: Strille
best flash game development related application:
1: Screenweaver
2: Squize's tile engine
3: Skite
Last edited by DayDream; 01-02-2004 at 05:45 AM.
1. 3pts
2. 2pts
3. 1pt
Best graphic artist:
1. DayDream
2. BlinkOk
3. Marmotte
Best flash development team:
Now I wasn't realy sure about this one, cuz I've never folowed any teams, but I've heared/seen a lot of good stuff bout:
1: Squarecircle.co
2: Kazoowee
3: 2k team
Most addicting complete flash game:
1. 2K
2. Heli Attack2
3. Jammed Again
Most innovative complete flash game:
1. Fast Froots
2. Heli Attack2
3. Jammed Again
Best flash game development related application:
1. Swift 3d
2. Screenweaver
3. Squize's tile engine
Most impressive game engine:
1. Percypea's game engine
2. Strille´s Sonic platform engine demo
3. Marmotte's Flash fight game engine
May the best win!
Hype over content...
Most addicting complete flash game:
1st Heli2.
2nd 2Kingdoms.
3rd Cave Racer.
Heli2 just rocked, pure and simple.
2K, I thought was going to be in the "Most impressive game engine (uncomplete game)" section to be honest. Not that it matters, it's just a work of art.
Cave Racer, I've already said, but I think it's the perfect small Flash game. Just love it.
Most innovative complete flash game
1st FastFroots.
2nd Kart Racer.
3rd TwiddleStix (sorry)
FastFroots got it over Kart Racer purely cause it was the first. The presentation is just stunning.
I only voted for TwiddleStix cause I didn't really enjoy playing the other nominated games I'm afraid, and although it's nothing that special, gamplay wins over technical skill for me.
[edit]I missed HA2 in that list. poo.[/edit]
Most impressive game engine (uncomplete game)
1st Strille´s Sonic Plattform engine.
2nd Percypeas MK engine.
3rd Krill M´s OBJ engine.
The Sonic engine just made my jaw drop, and still does. Fantastic.
Dave's MK engine has opened up so many avenues for Flash gaming it's untrue.
OBJ's 3D buildings still impress me now. They look great and the engine runs so quickly.
Best Graphic Artist
1st dayDream.
2nd blinkok.
3rd Marmotte.
No one comes close to Chris. It's frightening how quickly he can produce the most stunning work.
Blink's 3D work is unreal.
Marmotte for keeping that retro dream alive Just polished and excellent.
best game development team
1st Squarecircle.
2nd 1coin1play.
3rd Kazoowee.
Pred & dayDream get it for Little Rocketman and HA2. They both just make me sick they're that good.
I'm not apologising for voting for 1c1p, I think we're pretty damn good. Thats it.
Kazoowee. The most amazing talent in one team.
Best Flash Game programmer ( The impossible category )
1st pred.
2nd Strille.
3rd token3.
This is such a nasty category, any of the nominations could be in there.
Pred got it over strille purely cause of having completed games released this/last year ( And having a tie is a bit lame ).
Both guys just blow me away with their ability.
token3 cause he's the best underated coder on FK. Mike's one of those freakish people who can code anything in a stupidly short amount of time.
best flash game development related application
1st Screenweaver.
2nd Plug-in switcher.
3rd mappy.
Screenweaver is just an amazing app.
The plug-in switcher ( Which was created with screenweaver btw ) is a little God send.
Mappy, such a time saver it's untrue.
Thanks to Tom for all his hard work putting this together, well done mate.
Last edited by Squize; 01-01-2004 at 09:14 PM.
Heli Attack!
(1: 3 points, 2: 2 points, 1: 1 point etc.)
Most addicting complete flash game:
1: Heli Attack2
I know its a bit lame voting for my own game, but I really do play this ALOT at work, so do all my workmates, it would be wrong not to vote on behalf of them
2: Jammed Again
Fantastic game, and its prizes prove its a great game
3: Cave Racer
The cave game done right, small and effective
Most innovative complete flash game:
1: Fast Froots
The first game to make Mode7 in Flash
2: Kart Racer
The game which does Mode7 and recreates MK the best in Flash
3. 2Kingdoms
The sheer size of the game is impressive
Most impressive game engine:
1: strilles´game engine
After seeing the mapdata, the engine really is sophisticated, and much more complete than percypeas simple masking
2: percypeas´game engine
As much as its overused, it was a great discovery
3: OBJ
It is quite old, however the newer modifications are great
best graphic Artist:
1: DayDream
Noone continues to make me ****e my pants than Chris, the speed which he works, and the quality is amazing, who else can reskin HA2 in one day!
2: Marmotte
Clean graphics, great style, just look at his new shooter!
3: BlinkOk
One of the only true users of swift for games, good style
best flash development team:
1: Kazoowee
Such a large team of experienced Flashers, its hard not to vote for them
2: 1c1p
Speedy games, great quality and gameplay, a winning combination
3: *squarecircleco.
Cause dayDream rocks, and I have to =)
Best Flash Game programmer (one man):
1: tomsamson
Not only is he a great game programmer, but his depth of knowledge in application programming makes him a wise and knowledgeable man, always has an answer to something, always willing to help
2: Andre Michelle
Although I have never talked with him, it is obvious he is a wise man, a large ammount of programming knowledge, and some great titles under his belt
3: Squize
Although he has admitted that he isnt the best programmer, I disagree, because he can make action games like noone else, and all of his products are of an extremely high quality
Honourable Mention: Strille
I had to let it be known that I beleive Strille to be an excellent programmer, but his lack of finished games means he just lost my vote
best flash game development related application:
1: Screenweaver
2: Swift
3: Skite
Senior Member
-Most addicting complete flash game:
-2Kingdoms 3 pts
-Jammed Again 2 pts
-The JBJ Sisters 1 pt
-Most innovative complete flash game:
-samorost 3 pts
-Kart Racer 2 pts
-Fast Froots 1 pt
-Most impressive game engine
-Strille´s Sonic Plattform engine demo 3 pts
-percypeas´game engine 2 pts
-Krill M´s OBJ engine 1 pt
-best graphic Artist
-Ferry Halim 3 pts
-daydream,for various game titles 2 pts
-marmotte 1 pt
-best flash development team
-Kazoowee 3 pts
-1coin1play 2 pts
-squarecircle.co 1 pt
-Best Flash Game programmer (one man)
I pass this category, its impossible for me to give points as every name mentioned is worth a prize
-best flash game development related application:
-SciTE|Flash 3 pts
-Mappy 2 pts
-Flash Plugin Switcher 1 pt
Flash hates me.
Most impressive game engine
1. percypeas´game engine
2. Strille´s Sonic Plattform engine demo
3. Krill M´s OBJ engine
Last edited by crashlanding; 01-02-2004 at 11:43 AM.
"wen i found my gerbil dead my other gerbil was eating it i just cried and screamed"
Last edited by some moderator : Today at 9:01 PM.
Patron Saint of Beatings
(1: 3 points, 2: 2 points, 1: 1 point etc.)
-Most addicting complete flash game:
1) -The JBJ Sisters
2) -Jammed Again
3) -Heli Attack2
-Most innovative complete flash game
1) samorost
2) -Fast Froots
3) Magnet Fight
-Most impressive game engine
1) -Strille´s Sonic Plattform engine demo
2) -Marmotte's Flash fight game engine
3)-percypeas´game engine
-best graphic Artist
1) daydream
2) -blinkok
3) -marmotte
-best flash development team
1) -Kazoowee
2) -1coin1play
3) -squarecircle.co
-Best Flash Game programmer (one man)
1) -Squize
2) -Strille
3) -Andre Michelle
-best flash game development related application:
1) (and only) -Flash Plugin Switcher
(I haven't checked the rest, nor do I have the time too...)
-= phil =-
Most addicting complete flash game:
-HeliAttack2 3 pts
-Jammed Again 2 pts
-CamperStrike 1 pt
Most innovative complete flash game:
-Samorost 3 pts
-Twiddlestix 2 pts
-HeliAttack2 1 pt
Most impressive game engine:
-Strille´s Sonic Plattform engine demo 3 pts
-percypeas´game engine 2 pts
-Krill M´s OBJ engine 1 pt
best graphic Artist:
-DayDream (you own chris!) 3 pts
-Marmotte 2 pts
-BlinkOK 1 pt
best flash development team:
-Kazoowee 3 pts
-squarecircle.co 2 pts
-1coin1play 1 pt
Best Flash Game programmer: (eveyone on the list is great)
-Pred 3 pts
-Strille 2 pts
-Tomsamson 1 pt
best flash game development related application:
-Screenweaver 3 pts
-SciTE|Flash 2 pts
-Squize's tile engine 1 pt
everyone/everything/everygame listed is great though.
Most addicting complete flash game:
Wow. Never have I been addicted to a flash game this much in my life. I ended my ha2 career with 6.5mil points...Maybe I'll come back to it another day.
Not complete, I understand. Was a great port though, very well developed.
Nothing else.
Most innovative complete flash game:
Sometimes I look at flash games, and they are done, well, professionally to be precise, but are bland - and it shows. The 2k demo is pouring with blood and sweat that lux and jeroen have put in to produce the project.
-Fast Froots
What can I say, original in it's class, first to get to what it projected, in it's own engine - while having a perfect team to make it.
-Nothing else.
Most impressive game engine:
- Percypea's mode7 engine.
It had about 10 different forums just pointing to that creation, truly setting a new bar for gaming.
-Kirill's OBJ engine
-Strille's sonic
Best graphic Artist:
Marmotte is never happy in his own work. Always perfecting his skill, polishing it until he can see his own reflection. Thats why he takes first.
Ah, blink, blink. You sure do bring back some old memories of me when I was a baby at these forums, learning swift - back then - you were my biggest inspiration - bringing me into the 3D world in the first place.
Chris, I like your style. That 'rounded' technique can be recognized as yours a mile away. Adding on top, you work quality stuff - fast - top-notch combination.
Best flash development team:
Fastest evolving team to date.
Best Flash Game programmer:
A true programmer. Works till he's fucing deadbeat, just enough to keep him alive and get the project done. His dedication gets my vote on first place.
A great guy to have on the forums, he still is a great help, and, he has spent like 5 hours of my life of me playing his dang ha2 game.
Thank you for bringing us that thread on mode7, even though you didnt stay long at the forums, you sure were a great contributor.
Nominee: RipX.
My oldest buddy on this board. Even though I have not seen a single finished project from you - I loved your crazy ideas on new projects - which would never get finished. It was great working with you when we did - I will never forget our MSN chats
This truly has been a great year for the board.
Last edited by fospher.com; 01-03-2004 at 05:34 AM.
Most addicting complete flash game:
1. HeliAttack
2. camperstrike
3. blackjack
Most innovative complete flash game:
1. Kart Racer (flashkart 2/gold)
2. Fast Froots
3. Twiddlestix
Most impressive game engine:
1. Strille´s Sonic Plattform engine demo
2. percypeas´game engine
3. Marmotte's Flash fight game engine
best graphic Artist:
1. daydream
2. blinkok
3. marmotte
best flash development team:
1. Kazoowee
2. squarecircle.co
3. extrajetzt
Best Flash Game programmer (one man):
1. Strille
2. Squize
3. tonypa
best flash game development related application:
1. Screenweaver
2. Flash Plugin Switcher
3. Squize's tile engine
on the first category i vote for heli attack 2.....i wont be voting animore...the game is way 2 addictive...
Flash Enthusiast?
Most addicting complete flash game:
1: Heli Attack 2 [3 Points]
2: 2Kingdoms [2 Points]
3: Recycle Boy [1 Point]
Most innovative complete flash game:
1: Kart Racer
2: Office Space
Most impressive game engine:
1: PercyPea's Mario-Kart Engine
best graphic Artist:
1: Daydream
2: Marmotte
3: BlinkOK
best flash development team:
1: Kazoowee
2: circlesquare co
3: 1c1p
Best Flash Game programmer (one man):
1: Andre Michelle
2: Tonypa
3: Strille
best flash game development related application:
1: Screenweaver
All nominations are great, which makes the following very hard, but anyways, here goes:
Most Addicting Complete Flash Game:
1. Cave Racer
2. Heli Attack2
3. The JBJ Sisters
Most Innovative Complete Flash Game:
1. Samorost
2. Jammed Again
3. Heli Attack2
Most Impressive Game Engine:
1. Percypeas mario kart
2. Krill M´s OBJ engine
3. Marmotte's Flash fight game engine
Best Graphic Artist:
1. Daydream
2. Ferry Halim
3. Marmotte
Best Flash Development Team:
1. Squarecircle.co
2. 1coin1play
3. Kazoowee
Best Flash Game programmer (one man):
1. Andre Michelle
2. iopred
3. Tomsamson
Best Flash Game Development Related Application:
1. Flash Plugin Switcher (the only one I've used of the nominated)
2. -
3. -
I'm feeling supersonic
Right, here goes.
Most Addictive Game
1. Cave Racer
You play, you die, you think what the heck and you have another game. Short, sweet, and it's window is easily concealed! And that music is bloody catchy - a wonderful soundtrack.
2. Heli-Attack 2
This game deserves all the success it's getting. With those simple elipse men Pred was using before, it was still a great game. Daydream's art just knocked it into the next level. When a game plays this good and looks that fantastic you can't but have another go.
3. 2 Kingdoms
I don't think this game should be in this category either, but whatever, it merits recognition and it is VERY addictive. The hook this time comes in the story, and your immersion into the world that Lux has created. Wonderful Stuff
It kills me to not have JBJ in that list but those 3 just edge it out.
Most Innovative Flash Game
1. Kart Racer
It feels weird having 2 games in the most innovative category that are pretty much innovative for the same reasons! But out of the 2, Kart Racer edges out Fast Froots with it's charm and original cast of characters. Beautiful game and a killer soundtrack.
2. Fast Froots
Not much to say - everything is done so well, and I can't vote for Kart Racer without voting for Fast Froots too - the implementation of the technology is just as well done as Kart Racer, and while Kart Games are nothing new, it's amazing to see this stuff running at full speed in a flash window!
3. Twiddlestix
People might want to contest me (and Squize!) for voting for this, but while the idea has been done before, I don't think the actual game structure has. Playing more like a game of golf, a lot of thought went into the structure of the game and coming up with a design that worked around bandwidth targets and scoring.
Most Impressive Game Engine
1. Strille's Sonic Demo
I've put this above Percypea's amazing achievement because I believe it will have a greater impact on the flash community. Flash is more suited to this kind of game, and Strille's Engine, running Sonic and all his trappings at full speed no less, shows just what is possible and should herald in higher quality flash content.
2. PercyPea's Mode7 Engine
"..." - what else can I say? That's all that came out of my mouth when I saw it. Incredible.
3. Krill M's OBJ Engine
So many people dreamt about coding a flash Grand Theft Auto. He only went and created an engine that perfectly mimics the original game. I'm not sure how well a GTA style game would work in flash, or if any unpaid dev team would have the necessary resources to give a game of that type it's required depth, but that engine is bloody amazing and one heck of a start.
Marmotte's fighting engine is incredibly comprehensive and even as a demo beats every other flash fight game out there. I just couldn't find a place for it in the top 3 which I feel gutted about.
Best Graphic Artist
1. Daydream
One of the best pixel artists I've seen ever, and that includes mainstream games too. Heli-Attack2 looks so beautiful it makes me want to cry.
2. Luxregina
I'm actually going to take a risk and put Lux's name here - because I don't see how Tom can actually refuse his nomination! Forget for a sec all the character art, concept art, maps and castles. Those isometric tiles he's designed and fashioned into environments forming a world are something that no one has had the guts to do in flash till now.
3. Squize
A very underrated artist, but his stuff really oozes that charm of the amiga era - when games looked like games, and sprites matched their backgrounds. Everything he does works excellently in the context for which it was created and can't help but charm the socks off of everyone who plays. Luverly.
Best Flash Development Team
1. 1coin1play
I think this vote is merited on the output over the past year - 5 complete games and several more in parallel development. The original plan was to churn out these games as fast as possible - hype over content - but they were held back and tweaked till they were as playable as they could be. I reckon it's paid off.
2. squarecircle.co
Liam & Noel, Sheringham & Shearer, John & Paul, Pred & Daydream. These guys have created some of the best stuff we've seen this past year - every single collaboration is just brilliant.
3. Kazoowee
If these guys had done more this past year no way would I have put them 3rd. But with their Kart game almost out the door and the quality on display there, I'd place a bet on them being the best dev team in 2004 by a distance.
Best Coder
1. Strille
Strille reminds me of watching Cristiano Ronaldo play for Man U. Lots of talent, very flashy -even overly so at times, with very little end product - but always unpredictable and a considerable pleasure to watch. From his raytracing engine, to those amazing additions to PercyPea's mode7 engine within hours of seeing it, right up to that unbelievable Sonic engine and sublime arrogance in the way features were added upon mere mentions.
2. Squize
Squize not only gets this vote for his very obvious coding talent - which is always concise, optimized and superbly commented - but also for his dedication and drive to get things working and complete. He's the real driving force behind 1coin1play and everything he does fills me with wonder. The best thing about squize's coding is that there are so many little things, not apparent at first glance, but you'll be playing a few weeks later and end up giggling like a schoolgirl thinking 'cooool...'
3. Pred
Every so often a complete game or demo will come along that just knocks your socks off, and more often than not, that game was programmed by this guy. There's something in the stuff he does that really shows he loves his games - all the fancy features of modern greats will find ways of being implemented into his projects to provide a throughly engaging experience.
... phew - that took ages!
Last edited by kdsh7; 01-04-2004 at 10:34 PM.
Originally posted by kdsh7
... phew - that took ages!
Crikey, and I thought I'd have the longest post nominee here!
2KHeroes / Sylvaniah designer
-Most addicting complete flash game:
1 -2Kingdoms- 3 points
Ok, i'm sorry to vote for myself, but i do think 2K can be an addictive game, for people like me who like RPGs more than pure action games - on the other hand, since 2K was a collaboration project, i vote as well for the work of EdMack, Jeroen and Yann ( let's se it from the bright side )
2 -Heli Attack2- 2 points
I must admit that i didn't gave it a chance earlier (have been playing the vectorial one a while ago, though...), but i tried it for the awards : wouah ! it is truly one of the most well executed Flash game i've seen : everything is perfect AND simple - since it is so easy to have an immediate fun, it gives it a big replay value !
3 -The JBJ Sisters - 1 point
Another great game, that looks totally professionnal to me ( actually, whatever game from 1c1p have all the same flawless execution.) JBJ sisters have an extra appeal as the gameplay is quite original : it's fast and tricky !
-Most innovative complete flash game
1 -Twiddlestix - 3 points
I do believe that this game as the most surprising gameplay i've seen around lately : it is totally original to me - well executed and addictive
2 samorost - 2 points
While not nessecarly impressive technicly, the gameplay here again is kind of wicked, and you have to dig hard to get your way through the different "pages"
3 -Jammed again - 1 point
Jammed again is a really interesting "table-game" - the GFXs are sweet and the concept changes from what Flash games usually are - one drawback for me is that you have to download it
-Most impressive game engine
1 -Strille´s Sonic Plattform engine demo - 3 points
That's one of the fastest-most powerfull plateform engine i've seen so far - the engine is also quiet complete : it just have everything to be a really cool game ! please, Strille, release it in open source if you don't intend to make a game of it !
2 -percypeas´game engine - 2 points
Well, a lot have been said about it : i think it opens new perspectives for game dev in Flash ! Flawless, fast ... let's see who will take it beyond its Mario-kart-alike destiny ...
3 -Marmotte's Flash fight game engine - 1 point
I've been working with it for a while : it has everything you could expect for an engine : it is easy to adapt, well coded and as no particular drawback - the day he will release the same engine with AI, he will have a true winner in the hands !
-best graphic Artist
1 -daydream - 3 points
All of his GFXs are perfect : he is the true heir of the 8bits times, keeping the sprites detailled but clean, with that 'fun' aspect that is so difficult to render ...
2 -blinkok - 2 points
The most impressive use of Swift i've seen on the board - in fact i could say a bit the same thing for Blink : his sprites are well rendered, but the most important is that they have that 'fun' touch that make them unique
3 -Squize - 1 point
Well, i won't repeat the same thing about the 8bit times, but it is of course the same for Squize - the more games from 1c1p, the more will have sample of his/their talents
-best flash development team
1 -1coin1play - 3 points
I have a soft spot for their work as I witnessed, on the boards, the birth of it - I am specially waiting for their new game that i found very addicitive ( and that renew the 'Space Lander' concept)
For a recent team, i also find them extremly productive
2 -squarecircle.co - 2 points
Well, an award winning team ! i've been totally impressed by the way Little Rocketman was put together : impressive talent !
3 -extrajetzt - 1 point
Tag der Arbeit was extremly fun ! their kart game is impressive !
They bring the best of flash games, for the luck of us all
-Best Flash Game programmer (one man)
1 -Strille - 3 points
Well, two examples : Sonic engine, and fake3D engine ! needless to say more
2 -Squize - 2 points
I'm quite sure that behind those bug-free games, that never slow down, nor lag, their is an impressive competence as well as countless sleepless nights !
3 -tonypa - 1 point
Tonypa seems to be at the origin of a lot of games (2K included) as his numerous sources are extremly clear and he is always eager to explain them further more ! he is skilled, but also have that 'pedagogic' attitude that makes you understand things you thought you couldn't
Extremly difficult to vote for this one as i do not nessecerly know the work of some contestants very well - but for sure, all of the names out of that list are associated with cutting edge, demanding projects, so they should all belong to the hall of fame
-best flash game development related application:
I used none of them
Last edited by luxregina; 01-05-2004 at 12:45 PM.
best graphic Artist:
1: Daydream (3pts)
2: Squize (2pts) - Not quite as nice as daydreams work, but very nice
3: Ferry Halim (1pts) - images just lack a certain feel to them that the other two show, depth/realism/contrasts
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